@mykle1 Ahh, I guess I’m one of the lucky ones. The one problem I had was an issue with RTSP-Stream locking up overnight. Fixed that by switching to ffmpeg from omxplayer.
Both boxes are currently running MMM-Carousel in positional mode.
The smaller screen one (uses the “pi touch screen” to the screen port) has one position alternating the two weather modules, world-clock with seconds running, calendar, and RTSP-Stream running ffmpeg mode nearly flawlessly (once in a while, it’ll slow the video).
The one I want the scrolling for uses MMM-Carousel now to switch out screens for MMM-NFL and MMM-MyScoreboard (2-3 copies so that the scoreboard don’t flow off the screen in my temporary install) - it also runs the default news app, calendar, MMM-Darksky, and the default clock.
Neither have any problems with existing animations, smooth as silk except for the previously mentioned ffmpeg issue.