@doubleT thank you. UPS, I will have to shop around for something small and strong enough
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: work in progress
RE: work in progress
@noelandrews it is polycarbonate two way mirror. A but expensive but it looks really good. Size 120 cm. 60 cm.
RE: work in progress
@enettekoven It is a very old 19 inch 3d monitor, My wife decided that she want a curved monitor and this one was just sitting in the garage
RE: work in progress
@cowboysdude Super cool community. Any advice on raspberry power? Should I cut electricity 12 hours a night with a smart plug? Or run it 24/7? Which is better for longer life?
RE: work in progress
@cowboysdude Ohhh yeahhh :) a lot of head scratching and a bit of swearing. I reinstalled about 20 times . But finally got it working smoothly.
work in progress
Hello Guys,
work in progress , i think i will be done sometimes in January as i still want to cut a hole in the plywood and install a motion sensor to shut down and start my monitor. the raspberry will be running continuous until it will die i guess. Magic mirror and also on the background is running Alexa which i changed the wake word to Siri as i have in the area also an Echo so that will not respond both of them. I still have to see about microphones install situation and also am thinking to try two microphones on the same usb port for a better wake word situation considering position and distance of caller. I will cut a hole in the wall so that it will be a very thin frame. I was thinking also if you guys have any ideas if for a longer life of raspberry is better to run continuously or to shut down at night with a smart power plug at night and IFTTT at day when my cell (and of course myself ) are not home.
RE: Alexa face
I guess if she would mimic speaking wile Alexa voice is running it will be cool . And it would be nice to appear this face only when she hears the wake word.