well done!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Bathroom mirror: "Frameless, thin, gesture and voice controlled"
Really nice build !!!
Working on more or less the same mirror concept, but I won’t be able to get it on 3,6 cm, will be somewhere 4,8. -
RE: install MM2.18 on win10 pc
@sdetweil - using virtual machine - don’t have any expierience on that or how to activate.
Let me do following: I clean up and remove the Ubuntu & Debian app I installed.
Then I’m going to look up some youtube vids on how to install Ubuntu with virtual box or virtual machine active.I’ll come back later when that is done properly -
thanks for your support so far.
RE: install MM2.18 on win10 pc
@sdetweil , yes lsw2 that is how I installed it. So that is not good? How do I then make a proper installation on a windows PC? Do you have a link-guide to follow?
RE: install MM2.18 on win10 pc
@sdetweil I have the icon under windows and when I start, Ubuntu it starts with the user I created during installation.
So I guess this is my normal user?
I installed node & MM from jstal@DESKTOP-HF7R0J9 As I think this is correct - or not?
RE: install MM2.18 on win10 pc
@sdetweil I don’t seem to find such a file in the root directory.
RE: install MM2.18 on win10 pc
@sdetweil Sorry but i’m new on Linux, where to find install log?
RE: install MM2.18 on win10 pc
@sdetweil On Ubuntu I used node 16.14.2 and npm 8.5.5 while on Debian I used node 17.7.2 and npm 8.5.2. And both seems to give me the same error message
RE: install MM2.18 on win10 pc
I also installed MM on Ubuntu V20.4 and I have exactly the same message as I get on Debian.
RE: install MM2.18 on win10 pc
@sdetweil said in install MM2.18 on win10 pc:
because u posted screenshots and not text I can’t show more
Do you want the content of the package.json file?
{ "name": "magicmirror", "version": "2.18.0", "description": "The open source modular smart mirror platform.", "main": "js/electron.js", "scripts": { "start": "node_modules\\.bin\\electron js\\electron.js", "start:dev": "DISPLAY=\"${DISPLAY:=:0}\" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js dev", "server": "node ./serveronly", "install": "echo \"Installing vendor files ...\n\" && cd vendor && npm install --loglevel=error", "install-fonts": "echo \"Installing fonts ...\n\" && cd fonts && npm install --loglevel=error", "postinstall": "npm run install-fonts && echo \"MagicMirror installation finished successfully! \n\"", "test": "NODE_ENV=test jest -i --forceExit", "test:coverage": "NODE_ENV=test nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text jest -i --forceExit", "test:electron": "NODE_ENV=test jest --selectProjects electron -i --forceExit", "test:e2e": "NODE_ENV=test jest --selectProjects e2e -i --forceExit", "test:unit": "NODE_ENV=test jest --selectProjects unit -i --forceExit", "test:prettier": "prettier . --check", "test:js": "eslint 'js/**/*.js' 'modules/default/**/*.js' 'clientonly/*.js' 'serveronly/*.js' 'translations/*.js' 'vendor/*.js' 'tests/**/*.js' 'config/*' --config .eslintrc.json", "test:css": "stylelint 'css/main.css' 'fonts/*.css' 'modules/default/**/*.css' 'vendor/*.css' --config .stylelintrc.json", "test:calendar": "node ./modules/default/calendar/debug.js", "config:check": "node js/check_config.js", "lint:prettier": "prettier . --write", "lint:js": "eslint 'js/**/*.js' 'modules/default/**/*.js' 'clientonly/*.js' 'serveronly/*.js' 'translations/*.js' 'vendor/*.js' 'tests/**/*.js' 'config/*' --config .eslintrc.json --fix", "lint:css": "stylelint 'css/main.css' 'fonts/*.css' 'modules/default/**/*.css' 'vendor/*.css' --config .stylelintrc.json --fix", "lint:staged": "pretty-quick --staged", "prepare": "[ -f node_modules/.bin/husky ] && husky install || echo no husky installed." },