@alexyak Does this module switch off the pi, i’m only asking since i have Alexa running in the background which requires 3 terminals to be open all the time? If the pi goes into ‘standby’ or goes off i have to re-enter the information into the 3 terminals consecutively to get it up and running again. Thanks
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: Motion Detector
RE: Spotify through Alexa
Hi, i’m new to this as well and have Alexa loaded and running in the background of Magic Mirror, but… someone feel free to correct me if i’m wrong…, i think you can link spotify via the Alexa App on your phone of computer, no need for a module to be added to Alexa avs. Just get Alexa up an running on your pi, in the Amazon Alexa app click on the 3 bars on the top left, then click on settings, then click on music and media and you’ll find the option to link your spotify account there. Check out the skills to add as well (3 bars, skills then select and enable). i believe you’ll then be able to access via alexa voice command.
Mick -
RE: New and confused.
Just to let you guys know. Magic Mirror works on screen with Alexa (she can’t seem to do much at the mo though, so more investigating and experimenting is going to be needed :-))) still running in the background or vice versa. Still can’t seem to add modules to the original magic mirror though, Wunderground and carousel!!!).
Mick -
RE: New and confused.
@cowboysdude :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
RE: New and confused.
@cowboysdude said in New and confused.:
@mickyas said in New and confused.:
Well my guess would be that you copied the config from one place to another … replace all of these ` [backtick] with this ’ [single quote]
Then retry ;)
No, the backticks I added to try and display the code in my message correctly, obviously didn’t work 😊😊😊.
RE: New and confused.
@Mykle1 said in New and confused.:
Not sure what you mean here. Yes, you can have many modules running at the same time. Didn’t you start out with a clock, and a calendar, and a newsfeed, all at the same time?
Ah, there’s my confusion…i thought the magic mirror (date, weather, calendar etc) was one module. :-))
I was wondering if it is possible to have the magic mirror 2 running on the screen with Alexa ‘asleep’ in the background to be woken with a ‘wake’ word and say, a music app playing etc.Yes, the WunderGround is the one i was looking at…very nice.
MickHeeds battered…how do i use the wunderground module ??? i have opened the magic mirror config js file i have copied and pasted the block of code (using git clone etc) but it comes up with an error telling me to ‘Please create a config file’ ??? (tried the 3 back-tick rule for code, but this is how it came out)
port: 8080, ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses. language: "en", timeFormat: 24, units: "metric", modules: [ { module: 'MMM-WunderGround', position: 'top_right', config: { apikey: 'my api i.d. here', // private; don't share! pws: 'pws:DH9 6PA', //England hourly: '1', fctext: '1', fcdaycount: "5", fcdaystart: "0", hourlyinterval: "3", hourlycount: "2", alerttime: 10000, alerttruncatestring: "english:", roundTmpDecs: 1, UseCardinals: 0, layout: "horizontal", sysstat: 0 } }; ] modules: [ { module: "alert", }, { module: "updatenotification", position: "top_bar"```
RE: New and confused.
@Mykle1 Just a couple of questions…
- I noticed a previous post from you about the colour weather module you installed, is it available to clone???
- Can i have multiple modules running at once, or do i have to switch between them…i.e the Magic mirror, Alexa, remote control (which i’d really like to try) etc?
This is crazy…the more i search, the more confused i become and the more i get distracted by the umpteen modules i’d like to have :-)))…first off is using my laptop to access the pi3 (its annoying trying to pull up pages etc on the pi).
P.S. just done it using VNC all working so far :-))) -
RE: New and confused.
@Mykle1 MINT…worked a treat, :-)))))))))))))) I don’t know what i had different, as i never changed anything else in the module other than the location i.d. and the api key!!! anyhoo, all up and running…next stop changing the ‘compliments’ :-)))) I owe you a pint :-)) (although i do have some home grown cider on the go ;-))
Mick -
RE: New and confused.
ok here goes…this is what i have for the weathermap…
module: “currentweather”,
position: “top_right”,
config: {
location: “”,
locationID: “8224783”, //ID from http://www.openweathermap.org/help/city_list.txt
appid: “my api i.d. here”
In the location i had written “stanley” but it made no difference. the above is the same for module “weatherforecast”