There are a couple ways I can think of. The easiest one, that wouldn’t require recoding the traffic module would be to have 2 config.js
files. One with the destination of town, and the other, work. You could set up a small bash script to switch the files and restart the mirror. You could then put that script in your crontab that runs it at the beginning of the weekend and then at the beginning of the week.
A more lengthy way would be to have your traffic module take an array of origins/destinations/weekdays and then use it’s internal programming to display the correct commute.
Another lengthy way would be to have the traffic module use a notificationReceived()
with the payload being a origin/destination and then you creating another module that passes that info at a certain date/time.
I’m sure there are may other ways this can be done, but those are the ones that come to mind.