@yawns and others,
Just installed your module WorldTides.
On screen I only get the info that the WorldTides data is loading … But even after 2 minutes it is still loading. What am I doing wrong?
I can’t find my error, grrr !!!
This is my part of the config.sys
module : 'MMM-WorldTides',
position : 'top_right',
header : 'Getijden',
config : {
longitude : '52.212',
latitude : '4.399',
appid : '************************************'
When I do a call in my browser I get a result from the server.
The call I make :
The result I get, within a second;
{"status":200,"callCount":1,"copyright":"Tidal data retrieved from www.worldtide.info. Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Brainware LLC. Licensed for use of individual spatial coordinates on behalf of\/by an end-user. Source data created by Rijkswaterstaat \/ (Dutch Infrastructure Service) and is not subject to copyright protection. NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE ABOUT THE CORRECTNESS OF THIS DATA. You may not use it if anyone or anything could come to harm as a result of using it (e.g. for navigational purposes).","requestLat":52.212,"requestLon":4.399,"responseLat":52.2667,"responseLon":4.3,"atlas":"Netherlands","station":"Meetpost Noordwijk","extremes":[{"dt":1506946453,"date":"2017-10-02T12:14+0000","height":0.751,"type":"High"},{"dt":1506973424,"date":"2017-10-02T19:43+0000","height":-0.573,"type":"Low"},{"dt":1506990484,"date":"2017-10-03T00:28+0000","height":1.041,"type":"High"},{"dt":1507019577,"date":"2017-10-03T08:32+0000","height":-0.543,"type":"Low"},{"dt":1507035216,"date":"2017-10-03T12:53+0000","height":0.89,"type":"High"},{"dt":1507063479,"date":"2017-10-03T20:44+0000","height":-0.649,"type":"Low"}]}
I even tried the longitude and latitude as a number, but that is not a solution either.
longitude : 52.212, (without ‘’)