@sdetweil Good to know, I’ll point people this way if I see it again.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-Traffic
RE: MMM-Traffic
MMM-Traffic author here, just wanted to post here on the forum that this was resolved in a Github issue here: https://github.com/SamLewis0602/MMM-Traffic/issues/95
This is caused by a different module, the MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic module, as seen in this unmerged PR here: https://github.com/vicmora/MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic/pull/24
Anyone using both that module and my module in their mirror would see MMM-Traffic stuck on loading. Judging by the activity on that other module, it looks to be unsupported. See the issue I linked on my repo above for a manual fix if you wish to use both modules together.
RE: MMM-Traffic 2.0
@ostfilinchen Do you expect them to be the same duration? If you are just wondering how to tell the difference between the two, look at the
options in theREADME.md
and you can customize what you see in the module. Check out the examples in the README as well -
RE: MMM-Traffic 2.0
@robertybob if you check out this example in the README, you can actually do exactly that! Just add 2 MMM-Traffic modules and set the hours accordingly for each route.
RE: MMM-Traffic 2.0
@lavolp3 Interesting idea! Thanks for throwing it out there. I’d love to have a little more context about how it would apply for your case. Maybe someone at home that could see if your commute home is going to be longer or something like that?
In the mean time, if you open an issue on the github repo I will mark it as enhancement and others can comment as well 😁
MMM-Traffic 2.0
Hello everyone! After a very long hiatus from working on this project, I decided to revive support for MMM-Traffic by releasing version 2.0.0! The biggest change with v2 is that the module now uses the Mapbox API instead of Google Maps. I also accomplished some other goals with this release:
- Show any config/API errors right in the module on your mirror for easy debugging
- Simplify config options
- Simplify and improve documentation
- Greatly simplify code for easier contribution
Check out the README to see instructions for getting your Mapbox API token as well as using Google Maps (lol) to get coordinates for your origin and destination. Please open Github issues if you run into any problems you can’t figure out as that’s the best way to keep them organized and share knowledge with each other.
I hope you enjoy!
RE: Website Launched
Wow, I can’t believe that my MMM-Traffic module made it onto the video! The website looks great, nice work!