@MichMich Good idea, I’ll can add details on wiki’s modules page. Just the basic ‘cd’ then ‘git clone’. Then any extra stuff can just be listed for each module on their own repos.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Fitbit
RE: Fitbit
@MechMatt What exactly was ambiguous? So I can make it easier for others in the future!
RE: Multiple layouts/configs
@MichMich Ah, I hadn’t even thought of that! I will look into it, probably after exams.
Multiple layouts/configs
As the number of cool and interesting modules grows, it’d be good to have a way to have multiple possible modules configurations. Mostly so our nice clean mirrors don’t get too cluttered! So, for instance, one could:
- Display different modules at different times of day (e.g. travel time to work in the morning only)
- Have a wired button (or skywriter ;)) to swap between different layouts/modules
- Display a different layout based on face recognition
- Be able to swap between languages globally
- etc.
I’m not sure how one could implement this sensibly. Maybe give modules the ability to swap between layouts, e.g. for face recognition? Doing it without having to reload modules? Can electron handle multiple tabs and do it that way? Would this increase overheads on the pi? Are these questions rhetorical?
But anyway, certainly food for thought!
Amazon Echo/Alexa
I saw that someone managed to turn their raspberry pi into an Amazon Echo and was wondering whether anyone was interested?
I can’t work on it until after exams (yay student life). So if somebody wanted to try it in the interim then I thought I’d throw the suggestion out there!
MMM-wordnik - Word of the Day
MMM-wordnik lets you have a word of the day including its definition, pronunciation (if available), and origin! (Word of the day provided by wordnik.)
Initial Version
- This module is still in development so contributions, suggestions, and bugs hunts are all welcome!
MMM-fitbit allows you to view your fitbit data right on your mirror!
It is fully configurable to allow you to display:
- Steps
- Floors climbed
- Caloriees burnt
- Distance Walked
- Active minutes
- Time asleep
- Resting heart rate
Initial Version
- Development is ongoing and there may still be bugs to squash so please feel free to message me about it!