Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Pi Zero
I’ve just ordered a Pi Zero, so was wondering whether MM2 would run fine on that?
I’m guessing / hoping so, as this will allow me to use my Pi3 for something else.
I’m very interested too! Can anyone help us?
It probably can, because the specs are better than the Pi2. But since you’ll need a lot of extra accessories (usb Wifi, mini HDMI to HDMI convertor), it’s probably cheaper to use a Pi2 or Pi3.
@MichMich I was just thinking of lower power consumption, plus it would free up my Pi3 for something else :smiley:
I’ve read something about no support for the Zero. The specs are good enough I think, but is it supported by the software?
I already have a Zero and a wifi dongle, so it would definetely be cheaper. And less space necessary…
@jfi1310 it may have been me who replied to you. As I was told the zero wasnt supported.
I’m the same, I’ve got a WiFi adapter etc for mine
Well I personally never tried it, but I don’t see a reason why it shouldn’t work … :)
There’s this topic: it a problem especially with the Pi Zero or just because of the card switching?
Hmmm … it seems the Zero is running on ARMv6. Just like the the Pi 1. Unfortunately, Electron (the browser frame on which MagicMirror relies) does not support ARMv6. You can install MagicMirror² and just use the serveronly method, but you would need to setup a browser in kiosk mode yourself. Which is tricky on the ARMv6 platform.