Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
@Fonfon THANK YOU!
Here is the file if you could Please and Thank you.
"GATHERING WEATHER STUFF": "Samlar väderinformation...", "Currently: ": "Just nu: ", "Current Temp: ": "Temperatur: ", "UV Index ": "UV Index ", "Wind: ": "Vind: ", "From: ": "Från: ", "Barometer: ": "Barometer ", "~~~ Forecast ~~~<br/>": "~~~ Prognos ~~~<br/>", "Monday": "Måndag", "Tuesday": "Tisdag", "Wednesday": "Onsdag", "Thursday": "Torsdag", "Friday": "Fredag", "Saturday": "Lördag", "Sunday": "Söndag", "Overcast": "Mulet", "Cloudy": "Molnigt", "Rain": "Regn", "Clear": "Klart", "Partly Cloudy": "Delvis molnigt", "High: ": "Högst: ", "Low: ": "Lägst: ", "Humidity: ": "Luftfuktighet: ", "Safe": "Säkert", "Moderate": "Medel", "Snow showers": "Snöbyar", "Very High": "Mycket Högt", "Extreme": "Extremt", "Sunset": "Solnedgång", "Sunrise": "Soluppgång", "hours": "hours", "minutes": "minutes", "Amount of Daylight": "Amount of Daylight"
-Added Spanish translation
-Added ability to not show clock using config option - See README
- Added when humidity goes above 70% it shows in red
-Added Amount of Daylight that day [example 14 hours 12 minutes]Currently available in English, Swedish, German and NOW Spanish flavors … [Please PM me if you’d be interested in making any other translation files for this ].
Please follow Readme on Github!
Version 1.0.1
I have noticed that some weather conditions still are in English… there was no way I could get them all for translation.
If you get one that is NOT in your the translation file please note it so it can be added!!
Huge Thanks!
@cowboysdude said in MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module:
“GATHERING WEATHER STUFF”: “Samlar väderinformation…”,
"Currently: ": "Just nu: ",
"Current Temp: ": "Temperatur: ",
"UV Index ": "UV Index ",
"Wind: ": "Vind: ",
"From: ": "Från: ",
"Barometer: ": "Barometer ",
“~~~ Forecast ~~ Prognos ~~~
": "
“Monday”: “Måndag”,
“Tuesday”: “Tisdag”,
“Wednesday”: “Onsdag”,
“Thursday”: “Torsdag”,
“Friday”: “Fredag”,
“Saturday”: “Lördag”,
“Sunday”: “Söndag”,
“Overcast”: “Mulet”,
“Cloudy”: “Molnigt”,
“Rain”: “Regn”,
“Clear”: “Klart”,
“Partly Cloudy”: “Delvis molnigt”,
"High: ": "Högst: ",
"Low: ": "Lägst: ",
"Humidity: ": "Luftfuktighet: ",
“Safe”: “Säkert”,
“Moderate”: “Medel”,
“Snow showers”: “Snöbyar”,
“Very High”: “Mycket Högt”,
“Extreme”: “Extremt”,
“Sunset”: “Solnedgång”,
“Sunrise”: “Soluppgång”,
“hours”: “hours”,
“minutes”: “minutes”,
“Amount of Daylight”: “Amount of Daylight”Hi, here the french translation:
"GATHERING WEATHER STUFF": "Info météo", "Currently: ": "Actuellement: ", "Current Temp: ": "Température: ", "UV Index ": "Index UV ", "Wind: ": "Vent: ", "From: ": "de: ", "Barometer: ": "Baromètre ", "~~~ Forecast ~~~<br />": "~~~ Prévision ~~~<br />", "Monday": "Lundi", "Tuesday": "Mardi", "Wednesday": "Mercredi", "Thursday": "jeudi", "Friday": "Vendredi", "Saturday": "Samedi", "Sunday": "Dimanche", "Overcast": "Couvert", "Cloudy": "Nuageux", "Rain": "Pluvieux", "Clear": "Clair", "Partly Cloudy": "Partiellement nuageux", "High: ": "Haute: ", "Low: ": "Basse: ", "Humidity: ": "Humidité: ", "Safe": "Sûr", "Moderate": "Modéré", "Snow showers": "Averses de neige", "Very High": "Tres élevée", "Extreme": "Extrême", "Sunset": "Coucher de soleil", "Sunrise": "Levée de soleil", "hours": "Heures", "minutes": "Minutes", "Amount of Daylight": "Lumière du jour"
when you are ok tell me. for control.;)
@Fonfon THANK YOU so much!!
Added and working… :)
@cowboysdude with pleasure ;)
Had to make a minor adjustment on my end… please check the date and make sure it’s showing correctly :) [Right date… ie 8/9/2017 please make sure the day number is correct]
You mean I have to live tomorrow all over again? ;^)
@Mykle1 Ground Hog day
Chinese :)
“CURRENTLY”: “当前”,
“CURRENT_TEMP”: “当前温度”,
“UV_INDEX”: “紫外线指数”,
“WIND”: “风向”,
“FROM”: “从”,
“BAROMETER”: “气压”,
“FORECAST”: “预测”,
“MONDAY”: “星期一”,
“TUESDAY”: “星期二”,
“WEDNESDAY”: “星期三”,
“THURSDAY”: “星期四”,
“FRIDAY”: “星期五”,
“SATURDAY”: “星期六”,
“SUNDAY”: “星期天”,
“OVERCAST”: “阴天”,
“CLOUDY”: “多云”,
“RAIN”: “雨”,
“CLEAR”: “晴”,
“PARTLY_CLOUDY”: “部分多云”,
“HIGH”: “高”,
“LOW”: “低”,
“HUMIDITY”: “湿度”,
“SAFE”: “安全”,
“MODERATE”: “中等”,
“VERY_HIGH”: “非常高”,
“EXTREME”: “极高”,
“SUNSET”: “日落”,
“SUNRISE”: “日出”,
“hours”: “小时”,
“minutes”: “分钟”,
“Amount of Daylight”: “白昼”