Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
Had to make a minor adjustment on my end… please check the date and make sure it’s showing correctly :) [Right date… ie 8/9/2017 please make sure the day number is correct]
You mean I have to live tomorrow all over again? ;^)
@Mykle1 Ground Hog day
Chinese :)
“CURRENTLY”: “当前”,
“CURRENT_TEMP”: “当前温度”,
“UV_INDEX”: “紫外线指数”,
“WIND”: “风向”,
“FROM”: “从”,
“BAROMETER”: “气压”,
“FORECAST”: “预测”,
“MONDAY”: “星期一”,
“TUESDAY”: “星期二”,
“WEDNESDAY”: “星期三”,
“THURSDAY”: “星期四”,
“FRIDAY”: “星期五”,
“SATURDAY”: “星期六”,
“SUNDAY”: “星期天”,
“OVERCAST”: “阴天”,
“CLOUDY”: “多云”,
“RAIN”: “雨”,
“CLEAR”: “晴”,
“PARTLY_CLOUDY”: “部分多云”,
“HIGH”: “高”,
“LOW”: “低”,
“HUMIDITY”: “湿度”,
“SAFE”: “安全”,
“MODERATE”: “中等”,
“VERY_HIGH”: “非常高”,
“EXTREME”: “极高”,
“SUNSET”: “日落”,
“SUNRISE”: “日出”,
“hours”: “小时”,
“minutes”: “分钟”,
“Amount of Daylight”: “白昼”
} -
Huge Thanks to @kris_huang for providing me with the Chinese translations!
It’s now up on Github!
Thank you again!!
can you explain what else you have changed?
Since today the module is stuck at “Gathering weather data”.
The mirror tells me, that there is a update, and i should upgrade.
Since i made massive manual changes in the module on many different places to fit my needs, i don’t really want to do it all over again.
So it would be helpful to know, what lines changed so the great module works again.
I am not really into the git thing, so i don’t know how i can compare the changes (if possible) -
@barnosch you can see a list of all changes here
every item in the list will show you what has changed. green is added, red is removed -
I find The black screen was caused by Chinese parentheses
{ "GATHERING WEATHER STUFF": "天气预报", "Currently: ": "当前:", "Current Temp: ": "当前温度: ", "UV Index: ": "紫外线指数: ", "Wind: ": "风向: ", "From: ": "从: ", "Barometer: ": "气压 ", "~~~ Forecast ~~~<br />": "近期天气预测", "Monday": "星期一", "Tuesday": "星期二", "Wednesday": "星期三", "Thursday": "星期四", "Friday": "星期五", "Saturday": "星期六", "Sunday": "星期日", "Overcast": "阴天", "Cloudy": "多云", "Rain": "雨", "Clear": "晴", "Partly Cloudy": "部分多云", "High: ": "高: ", "Low: ": "低: ", "Barometer: ":"气压:", "Humidity: ": "湿度: ", "Humidity: <b>" : "湿度: ", "Safe": "安全", "Moderate": "中等", "Snow showers": "阵雨", "Very High": "非常高", "Extreme": "极高", "Sunset": "日落", "Sunrise": "日出", " hours ": "小时", " minutes ": "分钟", "Amount of Daylight": "白昼", "Air Quality Index: ": "空气质量指数: ", "Good Morning ":"早上好! ", "Good Afternoon ": "下午好! ", "Good Evening ": "晚上好! ", "Good Morning!":"早上好!", "Good Afternoon!": "下午好!", "Good Evening!": "晚上好!" } ```</b>
cool. thanks for the explanation.
So what can i do, if i do not want to update, because it would overwrite my changes, but get rid of the “please update the MMM-NOAA module” message on the mirror?
is there a git command to ignore local changes? -
@barnosch i think you can ignore the update message by moving the .git directory somewhere else, so the updatechecker doesn’t recognize this module as a git repository