Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Cheap as chips.....
I saw this site and thought that looks like a fun project for a Pi Zero W… ( should read the whole wiki really ).
I hit ebay for a 1" deep A4 frame, a 7" LCD with HDMI driver board and a bit of two way acrylic.
Unfortunately I then found out that the software is incompatible with the ARM architecture of the Pi Zero, so here is my mirror running with a Pi 3, the only additional components were a power plug for the LCD and a two way micro USB power lead to split the power between Pi and LCD. ebay spend ~45 quid. (less Pi and PSU).
(edit) Just spotted the forum posts about getting this working with the Pi Zero W so will attempt that later.
It’s so funny how many variations are popping up… you’re going smaller and I’m going bigger with a mini itx… I like the power and it runs VERY fast with strawberry’s voice module ;)
To add to the build information I used the guide published by @rootsudo with what I believe is a better way to get node on the Pi B+ or Zero.
As pi user on a fresh jessie lite install, this uses “n” to install the latest node build for the architecture you are installing on so in my case ARM6.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd n
sudo make install
cd ~
sudo n stable
git clone
Then proceed as per the original guide.
I’m going bigger with a mini itx… I like the power and it runs VERY fast with strawberry’s voice module ;)
hello will you publish how you ggot this with your pc? thank you
@Damian ( edit - The question wasn’t for me was it. Anyway this might help someone. )
Hi, not sure what you mean hopefully the attached picture will help. ( That’s a Pi B+ with a very fat HDMI cable. I intend to change it to a slimmer one and add a PIR sensor using @cowboysdude code. )
I was going to use a Pi Zero W then realised I had an old B+ and Wifi dongle so I switched to that instead.
If you have any specific questions please ask.
@ptbw2000 said in Cheap as chips.....:
@Damian ( edit - The question wasn’t for me was it )
hello no it was second time asking how to get this on mini itx pc as said but still get no answer so not sure why no answer
@Damian said in Cheap as chips.....:
hello no it was second time asking how to get this on mini itx pc as said but still get no answer so not sure why no answer
There can be a million reasons why you didn’t get an answer. Who can say why?
With that said, MM can be installed on Pi’s, PC’s, Mac’s. My first mirror is using a Pi3 with the standard Raspbian Jessie out of the box. I have MM installed on a Compaq laptop running uBuntu, a Dell laptop running Windows 7 and my dev machine, also running Windows 7.
You have to manually install things but it does work, and it works better than on a Pi. The mini itx that @cowboysdude mentioned is a brilliant idea, really. It’s small form factor allows it to be placed behind a mirror as you would a Pi, and its raw computing power, speed and graphics far exceeds that of any Pi.
@Damian said in Cheap as chips.....:
I’m going bigger with a mini itx… I like the power and it runs VERY fast with strawberry’s voice module ;)
hello will you publish how you ggot this with your pc? thank you
I"m not making a traditional mirror per say… I"m using an Intel cpu and mini itx board with 8 gig ram and SSD on a 32" TV.
I installed Ubuntu and MM … that’s pretty much it :)
Is there anything specifically you needed to know?
Sorry but I never noticed these replies or would have replied earlier, I managed by following @Mykle1 guide. and it worked as expected. Been so busy with setyting up full Alexa home automation in my home that I manage on here for quick visits only, but now automation is complete, I can come back to MM and continue with it, and hopefully incorporate MM in some way, although I already have alexa power up/down the monitor.
@Damian said in Cheap as chips.....:
Sorry but I never noticed these replies or would have replied earlier,
No worries, mate. :^)
I managed by following @Mykle1 guide. and it worked as expected.
Ahh, excellent! :^)
Sounds like you’re having fun and getting things done. I don’t have Alexa. Sounds damn cool though! :^)