Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Wunderlist - your todos on the mirror
@paviro any plans for adding iCal reminders?
@chrismoore ah! No idea how that list is called in the API :/ you’d have to check the API docs for that :)
@MichMich iCal reminders? Like the Apple reminders? Are they synced via iCal?
@paviro As a test I also tried “inbox” which has a test to-do on Wunderlist but that also doesn’t show up.
@paviro Although when I use ‘week’ as the list, it seems to have stopped working :cold_sweat:
Could you guys try to execute
curl -H "X-Access-Token: OAUTH-TOKEN" -H "X-Client-ID: CLIENT-ID"
in a terminal? -
Is the name of the list case sensitive? “today” / “Today”?
@zombi27 I tried that earlier in the process and nothing appeared. I’m going to rip everything apart and try to figure out where the issue is.