Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-aviationwx (Aviation weather)
@stephenmelody said in MMM-aviationwx (Aviation weather):
Alternative: VFR-Green MVFR-Blue IFR-Red LIFR-Magenta Unknown-Grey
Would the text coloured per the rules work the same as a coloured circle? Yes - although a circle would be better for screen real estate I would imagine…Ok, I’ve coded the “Alterative” color scheme just now, as you’ve described it, using generic colors. You will get the corresponding colored circle depending on the Flight Rule. What I would like from you are HEX color codes for those five colors that work best against the black background. For instance, you may want a lighter blue as the generic blue is a little hard to see. Agreed?
I would like #FCDFFF, #FAAFBA, #E45E9D, #FFFF00 and #87F717
Is it in a CSS file? That way I’m guessing people could self-configure?
Here’s what the original module is using and it looks like the below.
.vfr { color: green; } .mvfr { color: blue; } .ifr { color: red; } .lifr { color: #f0f; }
Blue looks ok through my glass, so I don’t see any issue with that.
Mixing color names and hex colors…bad format. I’d stick with hex and people can still change them
10 degrees C temperature / -1 degrees C dew point (time of report)
@Mykle1 said in MMM-aviationwx (Aviation weather):
What are the last 2 entries on each line
10/-1 and (20:51)
Red and pink LOL
@stephenmelody said in MMM-aviationwx (Aviation weather):
10 degrees C temperature / -1 degrees C dew point (time of report)
You would like that the same? Delete or move Altimeter?
the format on that image is:
Wind direction @ wind speed: 220@05kt
Visibility: 10SM 10 statute miles
Sky Coverage: OVC - overcast, BKN - broken etc…
Cloud base: 150(00)ft
Temp: 10 degrees C
Dewpoint: -1 degrees C
Time of the report in 24 hour clock: 20:51I’d say (personal opinion) that the pressure/altimeter setting isn’t that important. I’d prefer to keep the additional information, if you look at FDY and TBR above, they have:
-RA which is showers of rain
BR - which is fog (or haze, I can’t remember… 70% sure it’s fog, either way you can’t see through it well)That to me is more important that the altimeter setting.
I can look for other examples if that would help?