Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My Custom Smart Mirror.
OK, UPDATE: I have continued to program on the Magic Mirror and although it doesn’t look like it, the last few weeks of programming have paid off. I have added Module Schedules and Timers. At night (from 6pm till 4am) it will display Moon Phases. I also added a network scanner that tells me when my kids Xbox or Tablets are online. I caught them once playing in the middle of the night LoL.
I have also built an Android app that lets me control the mirror using the MMM-Remote-Control. I can turn Modules on and off, turn the mirror on and off, update the modules and reboot the whole system. Pretty handy when I am showing it off.
Lastly, to get in the Halloween Spirit I added some scary backgrounds that fade in and out at random. True story, I got good and drunk the night I decided to add these wallpapers. During the middle of the night I get up to go to the bathroom and Scared The Hell out of Myself when I walked past my mirror and saw the Nun!
Hi, can you tell me please if your android app work from internet or just in local network ? And maybe you can share that app with us please ? Thanks.
The app is only a wrapper pointing to my mirror at This is only able to be done as I have statically assigned my mirror as the .222 address. I could run a port forward on my firewall and allow it to work from outside the house but I haven’t got a need to since I wouldn’t be standing in view of the mirror and it’s a security vulnerability. Let me know if you have further questions. -
Nicely done.
Is that the PIR Sensor at the top of the mirror?
No, that was my Echo Dot. The PIR is somewhat visible in the second picture. There is a small ribbon cable going from the Pi to the PIR. It’s on the right side so anytime I want it on I just wave my hand on right of the mirror. It’s incredibly sensitive so I never have a problem waking it up.I am in process of adding a PS3 Eye cam and using MMM-Hotword and MMM-AssistantMk2. Might even go as far as training facial recognition.
nice setup. one question what module did u use for background ? I have MMM-EasyPix but do not know how to put pic to fullscreen. Can you share your config ?
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Oct 20, 2018, 2:35 AM Oct 20, 2018, 1:58 AM
You could use MMM-EasyPix as a background module but that is really not its purpose. Just try this module.
thanks works better :)