Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
I apologize for the late reply. New Year’s holiday and so on. .{
“4 Day Forecast”:“Прогноз на 4 дня”,
“Monday”: “Понедельник”,
“Tuesday”: “Вторник”,
“Wednesday”: “Среда”,
“Thursday”: “Четверг”,
“Friday”: “Пятница”,
“Saturday”: “Суббота”,
“Sunday”: “Воскресенье”,
“Hours of Light”:“Длительность дня”,
“Last Updated”: “Последнее обновление”,
“No Wind”: “Штиль”,
“Humidity”: “Влажность”,
“Lightly Polluted”:“Легкие загрязнения”,
“Moderately Polluted”:“Умеренные загрязнения”,
“Heavily Polluted”:“Сильные загрязнения”,
} -
hello,trying to make MMM-NOAA3 work but no luck.I use openweathermap provider ,my api is ok,but module dont show weather icons,night/day icons and no 4 day forecast at all.
edit: managed to make it work by using another provider,darksky.All are ok except the night icon…
@costascontis Well that just won’t do :) I haven’t checked the providers in a while possible openweathermap may have changed some things I will check it out :)
@costascontis You are right…I had the image for the correct moon just didn’t put in the array to display :) Thank you for catching that!! As for using open weather I just ran it and it seems to be working for me… here’s a picture. BUT I do use darksky as my provider also :)
Yes that F weather and YES it’s cold here LOL
10°F ? Oh hell no!
thnx just updated and seems ok.AQI is not working for me or my location i guess?I can find my location at AQI site and added my api at config.js but module always shows “severe poluted” .
@cowboysdude oh man ,we have nearly the same temp at celsius in Greece and we thing that is a very cold weather :) -
@costascontis Hello. I saw that you live in
greece like me. Can you help me out with this module because I have a couple of problems. First the icons are not always visible. second the day forecast never show up. And third it always shows wrong temperature. I have correctly put my api key from open weather. Any ideas? -
openweather is your problems ,ditch that api and create a free new one at darksky provider.Dont forget to Put your Lat and Long at config.
@mykle1 If I do the same for Greek translation will someone fix it for the module?