Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Sonos - To show what your SONOS is playing.
Looks like I am missing settings.json under /home/pi/node-sonos-http-api. I went to magicmirrors IP address:5005/zones and saw the output from my sonos one time , but then on reboot I can no longer get the output to show up by visiting the above specified URL . I think it may be a result of this missing settings.json file.
@flopp when I play Apple Music from my Sonos, is no artwork showing, anybody same problem
@cohron OK , Im getting somewhere. When I visit after installing sonos-http-api and then doing npm install --production and then npm start. I do see a webpage of output information from my sonos device.
However, when I run my file after creating it like this
create another pm2 script named in ~ directory
cd ~ file contents:
cd ~/node-sonos-http-api
DISPLAY=:0 npm startpm2 start
pm2 start mm
pm2 saveIt does start sonos as noted here
│ id │ name │ mode │ ↺ │ status │ cpu │ memory │
│ 0 │ MagicMirror │ fork │ 2 │ stopped │ 0% │ 0b │
│ 1 │ sonos │ fork │ 212 │ online │ 0% │ 2.4mb │Then if I visit the same address ( to see if there is still output . There is not!
I realize that the Magic Mirror is not started as I stopped it as I just wanted to see if there was still output on
Sonos is playing when I visit so there should be data being output.
I finally solved this. Turned out I left out the tilde (~) in front of the /node-sonos-http-api within the file. So in essence the directory was never switched to execute the npm start command. So even though my PM2 status of running processes showed Sonos as a running process it was not providing the output data so that the module could display it
Any way to remove the Source: specifier?
I tried
within the config.js to no avail. -
I added the code to my custom.css file that was entered within one of the first posts and expected it to provide a new layout and look , but nothing changed?
Its as if the entries in the custom.css are not being recognized.
Do I need to add .MMM-Sonos right above the entires?
Update: Tried that and still no effect.
Hi @Snille,
i tried to achieve to display the different zones side by side. Unfortunately I didn’t find a correct box to float. Could you give me a hint ?Happy new Year in advance from Berlin
VERY late to the party but Thank you so much for this…works like a charm!!!