Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Dedicated documentation site.
Because the documentation was getting more extensive than I ever expected, I created a separate docs website:
This way the docs is are better readable and better maintainable. It also allows us to update the docs without the need of releasing a new MagicMirror release.
Head over to the new docs site and let me know what you think. I’ll continue to work on the content. Feel free to send me PR’s if you want help out.
Good to know: every page includes an edit link on the bottom which will generate a PR.
I’ve updated all MagicMirror² sites (home, forum, readme) to reflect this change. If you find a page that needs an update, please let me know.
cowboysdude Module Developerlast edited by cowboysdude Jan 10, 2020, 11:22 PM Jan 10, 2020, 11:21 PM
@MichMich that‘s excellent! Thanks so much!
@MichMich Perfect Thank you :folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tone:
We use an old XWiki server to document our things. It is not updated, not user-friendly at all, so I’m looking at other options. I want something free, easy to use and on-premise. What do you guys work with ?
It’s vuepress. (, it converts .md files to a static website. The sourcecode is on GitHub. Whenever a change is pushed tot the repository, my webserver pulls the update and generates the new static files.