Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Hi Jopyth,
First, thanks for a great module that I have a lot of benefit of. Super well done!
However, I have an idea that I would inquire if you could possibly help with.
It concerns that I have a Smart Home Controller (Zipato Tile) where it is possible to send http get / post / put / delete.
At this sitting blah. Z-Wave PIR Sensor, which is in the same room as my Magic Mirror, which through rule in Zipato Tile could send http post to your module and for example, “Turn Monitor ON”
Will this be possible? If so, how would the syntax look like? (I’m definitely not strong in coding javascript)
I would think it must be something along the: http://[Magic Mirror IP]/remote?Action= MONITORON
Or am I way off?
Thanks in advance
@Manmachine action should be lowercase and dont forget to add the port specified in the config behind the ip
Super! thanks i’ll give it a change.
Will return soon with an update within the next few days =) -
DOH! - it has indeed been in the documentation all the time! (How the heck could I miss it?)
there I sat and tried to find out how the code worked!
how stupid of me!
Hi, that’s great what u have done.
Why it doesn’t work on PC Browser?
On my HDMI monitor all thinks ok.
@lolobyte It should work with any browser. Did you replace the with the IP of your raspberry pi? If you set a position for the module, you should also be able to see the URL on your mirror, for example the following should show the URL to the remote inf the bottom left:
{ module: 'MMM-Remote-Control', position: 'bottom_left' },
OK, now it works. Was a browser problem with Maxthon. Thank u, but the modules MagicMirror-Netatmo-Module and MMM-Fuel are not shown in the Browser!
At the monitor the are visible. -
@lolobyte This is not related to the Remote Control, is it? Please make a a post in the troubleshooting section possibly with the configurations of your netatmo and Fuel modules, maybe something is wrong in your
. -
That is a very nice module - thanks!
I have one question. In which way you control this module or your mirror? Do you have a keyboard or mouse on it? I didn’t find a way to control this module on the magic mirror. -
Are you talking about MMM-Remote-Control?
It is called remote because you use it to remote manage the mirror. So you can use it on your laptop, smartphone, tablet, … without having to attach mouse/keyboard to the mirror itself