Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
1 old noob + 1 rPi = I can't believe I did it! (revisited)
@cowboysdude said in 1 old noob + 1 rPi = I can’t believe I did it! (revisited):
That’s extremely nice of you to say so. I hope I get a similar reaction from my son when the time comes.
You did an absolutely fantastic job on your mirror, and your “boring” story is rather inspiring if you ask me. Thanks for posting!
@carlhoffman said in 1 old noob + 1 rPi = I can’t believe I did it! (revisited):
You did an absolutely fantastic job on your mirror, and your “boring” story is rather inspiring if you ask me. Thanks for posting!
Thank you very much for your kind words. I thought I was done with this, but it has been so much fun that I continue to tweak things and I’m trying to repay those that helped me along the way by helping other new builders that have questions. There are some fantastic people here that helped me and everyone else. PeppaPigKilla (the very first person to get me past a hurdle), yawns, Strawberry 3.141, to name a few. They are brilliant, patient, and generous with their assistance. In my case, they deserve to be mentioned.
Peace :peace:
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He did do a nice job… I’m going to call him “Wilson”… LOL I think he’ll know what I mean…
It’s from an old American show called “Home Improvements”… Every time the main actor talked to his neighbor the neighbor had something blocking his face so you could never see his face LOL
It was quite humorous…
@cowboysdude said in 1 old noob + 1 rPi = I can’t believe I did it! (revisited):
It was quite humorous…
Hell yeah. Tim Allen at his best. :thumbsup:
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Feb 16, 2017, 1:51 AM Feb 16, 2017, 1:47 AM
@johnnyboy said in 1 old noob + 1 rPi = I can’t believe I did it! (revisited):
can you paste what you put in the MMM- simple-logo
{ module: 'MMM-SimpleLogo', position: 'bottom_left', // This can be any of the regions. fileUrl: "modules/MMM-SimpleLogo/public/yes.jpg", config: { width: "275px", // The config property is optional. // See 'Configuration options' for more information. } }, { module: 'MMM-SimpleLogo', position: 'bottom_right', // This can be any of the regions. config: { width: "275px", fileUrl: "modules/MMM-SimpleLogo/public/starship.jpg", // The config property is optional. // See 'Configuration options' for more information. } },
I have 2 entries in my config.js file for MMM-SimpleLogo. One for each picture that I want to display. You can see each of their positions. You can see where I keep the picture files (fileUrl). I believe that if you change the width: then the height will automatically adjust, keeping the aspect ratio of the picture.
One thing to keep in mind. Two entries using the same position. The earlier one in the config.js ( I call it HIGHER)
will be above (higher) on your display. I hope this makes sense. I don’t know why the width: entries look indented. Mine are aligned with config: above -
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@johnnyboy said in 1 old noob + 1 rPi = I can’t believe I did it! (revisited):
I have been lurking on here for a while now picking up hints and tips along the way
You don’t have to lurk. Step into the light. No really, this place is just full of helpful, brilliant people. Any problems I encountered were immediately addressed when I posted my questions. I’m basically done with my (1st) mirror but I’m sticking around to try to repay those that helped, or continue to help me, by helping others, if I can.
@Mykle1 Yes they were because they like doing this and because you asked nicely ;)
We’ve had a few that ‘demanded’… they didn’t last long here… LOL
This is a labor of love for many… There are so many other really great people here. So yes step into the light and ask questions… it’s how we learn!