Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MM digital display hung like a picture
MMM-OnSpotify -
Nice, really like the clean and slim design. :thumbs_up: Are you planning to install a PIR sensor? Or is your display running 24/7?
I’m thinking about a PIR down the road.
I like the idea of only having the background slideshow on and then info modules appear when you walk up to it.
Right now it kills all modules around midnight and comes back on early morning.
I wrote a bash script that will take lat and lon, do an API call to Openweather, and get the sunset and sunrise times. then it will schedule a sunrise program and a sunset program to run via ‘at’. You can have +/- offsets for sunrise/sunset and you can just have a settime. So what I’m doing is doing api calls to MM at 10pm to turn off my background images, and then dim the screen via the remote api. then at 15 min after sunrise it puts it back to normal.I have never published to github, but probably will at some point. Do you think this would be something folks would want? it is not a module. it does require jq and at to be installed on the linux system.
Wow, @jbat66 , that sounds amazing and waaayyy more sophisticated than what I’m doing (kill all modules at a set time and reboot in the morning).
Whether there are other people interested in that, I couldn’t say. My take is that I could see 5 people using it, 20 people learning from what you publish and maybe, maybe one person says thanks?
But, if it’s no big deal, share your stuff. I know I learned a lot from people here, although I’m at a much lower level than you!
@rmonkey Thanks. I will get it published, don’t know when, but will get it published
@jbat66 very nice Mirror, I hadn’t seen the wifi QR code module before.
@rmonkey nice option with the French cleat.
One other thing – it looks like @rrslssr is running a similar approach specifically for travel photos – and I want to share a tip.
My mirror runs a combination of some of my own travel photos and places I’ve been from Unsplash.
To make the modules more legible and pop better, I made a photoshop template. The top layer is a very light transparent to black (from the center) radial gradient. My backgrounds are the lower layer.
This applies a very light vignetting that is consistent among all the background images. I experimented until I found the gradient settings for the top layer that were perfect to my eyes.
I’m sure there are easier or smarter ways to add vignetting, but this works for me.
@rmonkey I have started searching for a picture frame to use for the display.
Would you please tell me the size of the picture frame you used?