Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@Mykle1 Who are you and what are you doing here? LOL
Uhh, I was hoping you’d tell me. :-)
@TheGeekfather If you have any other questions I’m sure @Mykle1 will be happy to help you :) I’m not on that often… the last couple days I’ve been on more then I have been in 3 months LOL
Thank you for all your help. Started fresh install - put modules in correct folder
added "microphone: “1,0”,
Hello-Lucy works GREAT :)
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Jan 14, 2020, 12:08 AM Jan 14, 2020, 12:07 AM
Well ok then! You’re happy? I’m happy! Lucy’s happy! :-)
Seriously, I’m glad you’re up and running and I’m glad you’re pleased. :thumbsup:
Now, can you do something simple for me? Can you please tell me:
- Your hardware ( Pi3? 4? whatever)
- Your microphone (including if it’s USB or analog)
- Your OS (if not using a Pi?)
- Your response time from the time you issue a command until Lucy responds or you hear the confirmation sound. Instantly? 1 second? 3? 5?
Happy :)
- Pi 4
- Mic is Analog plugged in to a sound card (came with mic - Zax Sound)
- Buster
- 2-3 seconds
Just a small note - Sometimes I have to unplug sound card and plug back in - Works with either a speaker plugged in to card or using HDMI sound.
@TheGeekfather Try using a Omnidirectional mic… like this :’t say it will solve the delay…the Pi’s seem to have that delay…
You are absolutely right, CBD. That microphone extends the active listening distance dramatically. Across the room without shouting and it improves the success of the commands.Thanks for recommending it to me. I’m going to get another. :thumbsup:
Yes, I just finish testing Lucy on a Pi 4, with a usb microphone and with a usb sound card that accepts an analog microphone. In both cases, the latency is pretty annoying. And even though you (and I) were using an analog microphone, the presence of the USB adapter slows things up. The usb microphone by itself was just as slow.
Now, take that same analog microphone and use it on a 12+ year old laptop board running ubuntu and MM with Lucy. The response is measured in milliseconds. It’s fantastic!
@Mykle1 I added a few modules to Hello-Lucy following your easy instructions. Not sure if this is the best way to contact you with the info but just following through with the last step in your instructions which is to tell you the command and module name :)
Here is a diff of my sentences.json and yours:
80,81d79 < "HIDE IFRAME", < "SHOW IFRAME", 86,87d83 < "HIDE LIGHTS", < "SHOW LIGHTS", 92,93d87 < "HIDE NETWORK", < "SHOW NETWORK", 108,109d101 < "HIDE SOLAR", < "SHOW SOLAR", 116,117d107 < "HIDE STOCKS", < "SHOW STOCKS",
And a diff of my checkCommands.json and yours:
7,21d6 < ["SHOW","IFRAME","","","true","MMM-iFrame",""], < ["HIDE","IFRAME","","","false","MMM-iFrame",""], < < ["SHOW","LIGHTS","","","true","mmm-hue-lights",""], < ["HIDE","LIGHTS","","","false","mmm-hue-lights",""], < < ["SHOW","NETWORK","","","true","MMM-NetworkScanner",""], < ["HIDE","NETWORK","","","false","MMM-NetworkScanner",""], < < ["SHOW","SOLAR","","","true","MMM-Solar",""], < ["HIDE","SOLAR","","","false","MMM-Solar",""], < < ["SHOW","STOCKS","","","true","MMM-stocks",""], < ["HIDE","STOCKS","","","false","MMM-stocks",""], < 124,125c109,110 < ["SHOW","STATS","","","true","MMM-SystemStats",""], < ["HIDE","STATS","","","false","MMM-SystemStats",""], --- > ["SHOW","STATS","","","true","MMM-PC-Stats",""], > ["HIDE","STATS","","","false","MMM-PC-Stats",""], 145,148c130,133 < ["SHOW","WEATHER","","","true","currentweather",""], < ["HIDE","WEATHER","","","false","currentweather",""], < ["SHOW","WEATHER","","","true","weatherforecast",""], < ["HIDE","WEATHER","","","false","weatherforecast",""] --- > ["SHOW","WEATHER","","","true","MMM-BMW-DS",""], > ["HIDE","WEATHER","","","false","MMM-BMW-DS",""], > ["SHOW","WEATHER","","","true","MMM-NOAA3",""], > ["HIDE","WEATHER","","","false","MMM-NOAA3",""]
As you can see, I added support for the following modules:
MMM-iFrame, mmm-hue-lights, MMM-NetworkScanner, MMM-Solar, and MMM-stocksI also modified your existing support for the STATS and WEATHER commands, altering them to act upon different modules.
Thanks for the really cool module and easy instructions to extend!