@strawberry-3-141 Done :) all the best!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Cowboysdude's Mirror
@cowboysdude said in Cowboysdude's Mirror:
@bibi said in Cowboysdude's Mirror:
sudo chvt 9 && sudo chvt 7
Open up the monitor_on.sh and delete everything add:
sudo chvt 9 && sudo chvt 7
Save it and that should work for you :)
yep that’s exactly what i wanted to later today :))
nevertheless, I found on the forum another way to avoid using sudo… i assume it’s better practice but i am not able to confirm this.
the link : https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/208/pir-sensor-put-your-mirror-to-sleep-if-not-used/64 -
RE: Independent display controller based on PIR sensor.
@shashank hi! unfortunately you will not find the cmd line in the github to enable the service at boot time. As far as i have checked, the systemd should already run at boot but for strange reasons it was not the case for me. Therefore, i had to issue the command : sudo systemctl enable pir_sensor.service
good luck! -
Earth globe
hi! would anybody be interrsted to devlop/help to have a globe showing on the mirror??? something like :
RE: Cowboysdude's Mirror
@cowboysdude oh so cool for sharing! let’s try this! wow that’s a thing i should have thought about before lol but currently i can’t put it too much far away as my cables are only few cm long…