There doesn’t seem to be an official API. Without one, a website with an up-to-date medal table would have to be called and parsed regularly. There’s at least one API that can be found by reverse engineering, but solutions like these are not really legal (often it’s against the terms of use) and thus can’t/shouldn’t be shared/adviced on a public forum. Even if you get an API, the code that parses the JSON would have to be rewritten - more or less from zero, depending on the differences.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-OlympicGames
MMM-Nixie – Nixie Tube Clock for your MagicMirror
Who doesn’t like Nixie tubes?
This module adds a Nixie tube clock to your MagicMirror. It cannot do much more than show the time, but it’s looking cool doing it. I’m considering a switch to hide all other modules during night time so at night only the soothing glow of the ticking Nixie tube clock fills the dark room.
It’s working like the real thing with 10 layers/digits in each “tube”. You can turn of the fake glass tubes, the wires and also the inactive digits.
If some of the digits seem brighter than others, that’s because the higher the digit, the further back it sits in the tube and so the inactive digits sit in front of it, blocking some of its brightness (not much). You can set
to reduce this or turn itoff
completely (but then it’s not a real Nixie tube anymore …).Screenshot:
Version: 1.00
Planned features:
- Configurable sizes and colors.
- Nightswitch (turn off everything else between time A and time B).
Have fun, let me know if you have any questions, ideas, comments. Thank you.
RE: show integer logs from python script as diagram in MM ?
You are welcome. You’re also welcome to play with the code and adapt it to your needs and if you have suggestions on what to change, let me know.
The module is ment to sit at the bottom and fill the whole width. Where would you like to place it alternatively? Some of that positioning is adjusted in the css right now, so depending on the position it would need different css settings.
The prediction on when the tank will be empty is on my to do list (check the Code). Shouldn’t be too hard. But it’d involve read Ingo the dates and that’s something I kept out for now (internationally different time formats and all that).
RE: Changing wether API?
If you’re talking about the default weather modules, they only work with keys for
But you can remove those from your config and add MMM-Wunderground instead following its instructions: -
RE: show integer logs from python script as diagram in MM ?
As promised, I changed a few things to my module and now it should work with your JSON (the one with the format you told me in PM:)
In the future, I’d like to make this more independent with the key being set in the config (not everyone wants “Volumen” as key). There are some other to-do’s as well, but I had it running.
Check it out and let me know:
One note: It should work if you address your file with
file: ""
or whatever the ip of your NAS is. Check the readme for more info.It’s not yet ready to be presented as a full running module, so I’ll keep it low key in here for now.
RE: MMM-OlympicGames
@dnks23, it’s in the node_helper.js
RE: show integer logs from python script as diagram in MM ?
@cruunnerr said in show integer logs from python script as diagram in MM ?:
as u can read in my edit, i can create a JSON with the script i posted. but i don’t know where to put the script to execute it automatically every 24 hours or something like that.
because i think using cronjob would be the wrong way, right? :DThat’s exactly what a cronjob is for. ;)
But yeah, that’s on the serving side. You have to make sure the file is updated (read, altered, saved) or overwritten entirely.
I checked MMM-Chart and have the same issue, not even his own example is working. Tried some debugging but didn’t get very far. I don’t know what’s wrong.
Let’s take a step back because I think there are some things that are not necessarry.
You read the volume with a RasPi and it’s logged to a file on your NAS. Regular updates to that file work already?
It’s also saved to a MySQL database?
You have a Script that makes a JSON from the database? But it’s not yet regularly updated? Does this Script run on the measuring RasPi or the Mirror?I’d make the measuirng Pi save a JSON to the NAS. Make sure it’s working and the format is clean. MySQL database and another script are not necessarry that way. Then I’d make the Mirror read the JSON.
Shoot me a PM (in German), I think I have an idea.
RE: show integer logs from python script as diagram in MM ?
Sorry, I didn’t want to confuse you. I’d suggest Highcharts if you want to build your own module (which I thought you were going for in the beginning). It’s a library that you load (you load the scripts) and use. You address it, tell it the id of the element where the chart should sit and the data it should show along with some parameters on how to show it.
But maybe in your case you really want to use MMM-Chart. On first look it seems like the JSON you have there should be totally enough! No CSV needed, as far as I can see from the readme.
What he has is similar to your JSON:
[["2017-04-21 15:58:00",8.3,95.5],["2017-04-21 14:55:00",9.3,90.5],["2017-04-21 12:56:00",10.7,87.7],["2017-04-21 11:53:00",10.5,87.7],["2017-04-21 11:01:00",10.6,88.8]]
It’s just that he has arrays in an array and you have objects with keys and values in an array.
I didn’t check, but maybe MMM-Chart works with your style, too. Else, you could try to get your JSON to write as arrays in an array:[["2018-02-03T23:00:00.000Z",2488],["2018-02-03T23:00:00.000Z",2488]]
From then on, MMM-Chart should print your chart.
BTW. please check if you can edit your process/function that writes your JSON so there is no comma after the last object (or array, if you change it).
RE: Trim the fat in a JSON file?
Ok, I checked the code of that module,
values: ["price"]
IS the correct setting for the config butgetValue: function(data, value) {...
has an error.getValue: function(data, value) { if (data && value) { var split = value.split("."); var current = data; while (split.length > 0) { // current = current[split.shift()]; // WRONG! current = current[0][split.shift()]; } return current; } return null; },
I’d have written that totally different, but yeah, at the moment, the problem is, that the object it should be looking for is nested within a wrapping object. Add the
and you should be getting your results.
Edit: Could also be a problem with the received json format. -
RE: show integer logs from python script as diagram in MM ?
Yes, that’d be the easiest option. Could be running tonigt. ;)
Personally, I’d go with the json, though. I did it like this with Highcharts.js, which seems familiar to MMM-Charts:node-helper.js:
const fs = require("fs"); //... socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === "UpdateChart") { this.getChart(); } }, getChart: function() { var rawdata = fs.readFileSync('path/to/my.json'); var history = JSON.parse(rawdata); var history = history.slice(-84); // 12 per day x 7 = I only want the last 84 data points this.sendSocketNotification("ChartUpdate", history); }
getScripts: function() { return [ this.file("highcharts/highcharts.js"), this.file("highcharts/series-label.js"), this.file("highcharts/exporting.js") ] }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === "ChartUpdate") { this.getChart(payload); } }, getChart: function(history) { var chart = ""; for(i = 0; i < history.length; i++) { if (i === 0) { chart = history[i].litre; } else { chart = chart + ", " + history[i].price; } } var maxi = Math.max.apply(Math, JSON.parse("[" + chart + "]")); var highest = maxi.toString() + " L"; var mini = Math.min.apply(Math, JSON.parse("[" + chart + "]")); var lowest = mini.toString() + " L"; Highcharts.chart('module-chart', { // the id of the div to contain the chart! chart: { height: 175, margin: 0, left: 0 }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, tooltip: { pointFormat: "Value: {point.y:.2f}" }, yAxis: { min: mini-0.05, max: maxi+0.05, tickInterval: 0.05, plotLines: [{ value: this.price, dashStyle: 'solid', width: 1, color: { linearGradient: [0, 0, 900, 0], stops: [ [0, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)'], [1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'] ] } }, { value: Math.max.apply(Math, JSON.parse("[" + pricelist + "]")), dashStyle: 'dot', width: 1, color: { linearGradient: [0, 0, 900, 0], stops: [ [0, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'], [1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)'] ] }, label: { text: highest, x: -2, y: -7 } }, { value: Math.min.apply(Math, JSON.parse("[" + pricelist + "]")), dashStyle: 'dot', width: 1, color: { linearGradient: [0, 0, 900, 0], stops: [ [0, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'], [1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)'] ] }, label: { text: lowest, x: -2, y: 13 } }] }, series: [{ data: JSON.parse("[" + pricelist + "]"), // here's the action step: 'center', lineWidth: 2, color: { linearGradient: [0, 0, 900, 0], stops: [ [0, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)'], [1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'] ] } }] }); }