@sdetweil Ok, there is an issue regarding direction. I commented it and now I will be patient.
Thank you for you advice
@sdetweil Ok, there is an issue regarding direction. I commented it and now I will be patient.
Thank you for you advice
@sdetweil Sorry, but I don´t know what you mean. So I would say, no
I am currently having problems with the configuration of KristjanESPERANTO/MMM-PublicTransportHafas.
My config looks like this
module: "MMM-PublicTransportHafas",
position: "top_left",
config: {
stationID: "8005662", // Replace with your stationID!
stationName: "XXXXX", // Replace with your station name!
direction: "", // Show only departures heading to this station. (A station ID.)
ignoredLines: [], // Which lines should be ignored? (comma-separated list of line names)
excludedTransportationTypes: ["bus"], // Which transportation types should not be shown on the mirror? (comma-separated list of types) possible values: StN for tram, BuN for bus, s for suburban
timeToStation: 10,
timeInFuture: 120, // Show departures for the next *timeInFuture* minutes.
showColoredLineSymbols: false, // Want colored line symbols?
useColorForRealtimeInfo: true, // Want colored real time information (timeToStation, early)?
showTableHeadersAsSymbols: true, // Table Headers as symbols or text?
maxUnreachableDepartures: 1, // How many unreachable departures should be shown?
maxReachableDepartures: 7, // How many reachable departures should be shown?
customLineStyles: "leipzig", // Prefix for the name of the custom css file. ex: Leipzig-lines.css (case sensitive)
showOnlyLineNumbers: false // Display only the line number instead of the complete name, i. e. "11" instead of "STR 11"
This shows me all trains departing from the starting station. S-Bahn (S) and Regional Express (RE) trains.
However, as soon as I enter a destination station in “direction” as follows, only the S-Bahn trains are displayed. And the Regional Express is missing. Although the destination station is Hannover Hbf, where Regional Express trains also arrive.
module: "MMM-PublicTransportHafas",
position: "top_left",
config: {
stationID: "8005662", // Replace with your stationID!
stationName: "XXXXX", // Replace with your station name!
direction: "8000152", // Show only departures heading to this station. (A station ID.)
ignoredLines: [], // Which lines should be ignored? (comma-separated list of line names)
excludedTransportationTypes: ["bus"], // Which transportation types should not be shown on the mirror? (comma-separated list of types) possible values: StN for tram, BuN for bus, s for suburban
timeToStation: 10,
timeInFuture: 120, // Show departures for the next *timeInFuture* minutes.
showColoredLineSymbols: false, // Want colored line symbols?
useColorForRealtimeInfo: true, // Want colored real time information (timeToStation, early)?
showTableHeadersAsSymbols: true, // Table Headers as symbols or text?
maxUnreachableDepartures: 1, // How many unreachable departures should be shown?
maxReachableDepartures: 7, // How many reachable departures should be shown?
customLineStyles: "leipzig", // Prefix for the name of the custom css file. ex: Leipzig-lines.css (case sensitive)
showOnlyLineNumbers: false // Display only the line number instead of the complete name, i. e. "11" instead of "STR 11"
What can I do, that the Regional Express (RE) will be shown too when I enter a direction?
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards
@sdetweil Oh! So simple? It is like at Windows. Only with mouse configuration. I found it under Screen configuration - > orientation
Thank you again for your help. You are my little hero 😉
@sdetweil I got the following infos
pi@raspi-mm-bad:~ $ ps -ef | grep labwc
pi 645 619 42 16:50 ? 00:35:55 /usr/bin/labwc -m
pi 714 645 0 16:50 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/labwc-pi
pi 33729 32904 25 18:15 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto labwc
@sdetweil I use
Raspberry Pi OS with desktop
Release date: November 19th 2024
System: 64-bit
Kernel version: 6.6
Debian version: 12 (bookworm)
and a Raspberry 3 Model b+
I have just reinstalled my MMM. Everything is fine except the last step.
I am trying to rotate my display 90 degrees clockwise. To do this, I have added
I commented out the line following line
# dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d
and added the line
But by commenting the line out, the Raspi no longer starts correctly. Only a black screen appears.
The operating system is already started. I can still access it via SSH. But I can see only a black screen.
As soon as I uncomment the line
again, the Raspi starts correctly. But then the screen is not rotated, even though I have not deleted the line
It would be great if you could help me again.
Than in advance
@sdetweil Yes, you’re absolutely right, of course. Sometimes you have to learn from your own mistakes ;-) so we just call it a Layer8 problem ;-) Thanks anyway for your effort
@sdetweil Shit, that’s the same problem I had with my second mirror a few weeks ago. Well, it’s been running fine since 2016.
Many thanks for your tips. With your scripts I’ll quickly install the new one.
@sdetweil Thank you for your help.
After updating to 20.18.1 unfortunately I get the following error
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ pwd
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ npm run install-mm
node: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by node)
And yes, the next time I will use your upgrade script ;-)