I would like to see the description of the news in the newsfeed all the time.
So, like mentioned in the options, I changed the “showDescription = false” in the newsfeed.js to “true”.
It works fine. I can see the description of every article without doing anything, even when the articles update.
The problem is when I use the command “ARTICLE_MORE_DETAILS” to open the full article. It works like a charm, but when I close the full article I use the command “ARTICLE_LESS_DETAILS”. It goes back to the newsfeed but unfortunately without showing the descriptions anymore. I only see the headlines (like “showDescription = false” although “true” is still set of course).
If I use the command “ARTICLE_MORE_DETAILS” again, the description opens, but the article is freezed - like coded.
Do you have any idea, how I can leave the full article going back to the “show-description-version”?
Or instead, how can I remove the freeze?
Thanks a lot.