@aarish That looks like MMM-Weather to me.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-SpaceX
@jimmythehat45 I’ve not played around with this, but MMM-Rocketlaunch might work better? Or if nothing else, pull the same API (and get more than the SpaceX launches).
Thanks for calling out this module btw, I didn’t even realize that I actually wanted a rocket launch module on my mirror.
RE: Updated Olympics module?
@kristjanesperanto Yeah, this came up looking for an updated module for the Summer Games and the MMM-OlympicGames module wasn’t updated for it. Its great that its updated now though.
RE: Clock module
I can’t say if its any good or not, but does MMM-FlipClock meet your needs?
RE: MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda
@MMRIZE Just going to throw my thanks out here now and I know what my weekend project is going to be. CalExt3 looked interesting to me and a nice upgrade to the fussing I did to get my calendar working (mostly) how I want but having an agenda view is 100% necessary for my brain.
RE: What do you love about your MM ?
@roger-0 I got one in the first place because one time when I was on-call for my job and working a ticket at night, a predicted storm moved in and I really wanted to see the weather radar. I could have loaded up a weather website (which I did) but also was thinking how nice it would have been to be able to watch the storm come in and pass through. Plus, as much as I am used to have my calendar on my phone, having that available and specifically my work meetings available would be even better. Researching ways to have some sort of monitor (I was wanting something roughly the size of my Nest Hub) led me to the Pi and then to MM.
I keep looking for new modules of information that would be nice to have sitting on my office desk with me to be able to glance over and see. I’m hoping to move sometime this year and I’ll be building a different one to sit in my hallway with information more relevant to commuting to work (if that happens) and useful stuff to glance at on the way out the door.