Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Electron CPU usage
@wtidwell Yeah I don’t use those plain black sd cards I buy the more expensive ones because of the issues.
@wtidwell said in Electron CPU usage:
I have this otherone which is a SanDisk ultra 32gb card so maybe that does something.
I looked to see what SD card is in my Pi but all I could come up with is the wrapper it came in. I bought one of those CanaKit’s with everything included. I don’t want to take my mirror down if I don’t have to, sorry.
I’m beginning to think it’s the SD card. I did a clean install of Raspian on the SanDisk ultra which is the same class (u1) as the other card which was plain black and it seemed like it was a twinge better but not fantastic. Thanks for your input cowboysdude.
I ordered a SanDisk extreme u3 which will get here tomorrow and try that and report back in. Don’t take your mirror down haha
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Aug 25, 2017, 2:01 AM Aug 25, 2017, 1:55 AM
@wtidwell said in Electron CPU usage:
I’m beginning to think it’s the SD card.
I hope that’s it. Then we can all laugh about it. Keep me posted.
Just in case:
HOW TO FORMAT AN SD CARD AS FAT Note: If you're formatting an SD (or micro SD) card that has a capacity over 32GB (i.e. 64GB and above), then see the separate SDXC formatting instructions. WINDOWS For Windows users we recommend formatting your SD card using the SD Association's Formatting Tool, which can be downloaded from You will need to set "FORMAT SIZE ADJUSTMENT" option to "ON" in the "Options" menu to ensure that the entire SD card volume is formatted, and not just a single partition. The updated size will be shown after the format is complete. MAC OS The SD Association's Formatting Tool is also available for Mac users, although the default OS X Disk Utility is also capable of formatting the entire disk. To do this, select the SD card volume and choose Erase with MS-DOS format. LINUX For Linux users we recommend gparted (or the command line version parted). Norman Dunbar has written up instructions for Linux users.
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Aug 25, 2017, 2:18 AM Aug 25, 2017, 2:15 AM
Ok, this is the kit I bought back in January. I checked my history.
“You purchased this item on January 16, 2017” this is the SD card I have in my Pi3-B mirror. Recommended Micro SD Card pre-loaded with NOOBS
That is also where I installed my Raspbian Jessie from. You can install it from NOOBS
Well I just installed everything on a brand new SanDisk extreme u3 MicroSD. And it’s still using all my dang cpu and the transitions are still so laggy.
I think I’ve tried everything at this point.
Is there anything to do after using the install script? Am I missing some next step? -
@wtidwell said in Electron CPU usage:
Is there anything to do after using the install script? Am I missing some next step?
You could try this, but I don’t think it’s anything you’re doing or not doing. MM is running, it’s just not running well. I left you another suggestion in the other topic you posted in.
Updating your MagicMirror²
If you want to update your MagicMirror² to the latest version, use your terminal to go to your Magic Mirror folder and type the following command:
git pull && npm install
If you changed nothing more than the config or the modules, this should work without any problems. Type git status to see your changes, if there are any, you can reset them with git reset --hard. After that, git pull should be possible. -
I am having the exact same problem. It is so frustrating.