Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Mey's Mirror 1.5m x 0.67m
Hello fellow MirrorMaker
I work in a city up on a mountain, but live near the see. The weather is different. I got to work with shorts and t-shirt, because it was really hot where i live, but It was very cold up where I work. That’s the reason why i made my MagicMirror. Just to see the weather and myself on the mirror and think about clothing decision.
But now to the interesting part. The components of my mirror:
- Rapsberry Pi Zero W (~10€)
- mirror: Pilkington Mirropane Chrome Spy 1500x670x4 mm (~270€ with shipping)
- screen: MEDION LIFE P12164 (TV nobody used, so i took the screen)
- frame: custom made in Jumbo (~110€)
- Clock
- Compliments
- News Feed (maybe i’ll remove this)
- MMM-swisstransport
- MMM-weatherchart
- MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic
- Planed: Google Calendar (and ad this)
I will change some things on the layout of my mirror. It annoys me a little, that it’s not that symmetric. The Google Maps Traffic will be bigger and more on the top. When I can find some space, I want to add my google calendar.
But i had real trouble while making the mirror. First i destroyed the mirror, on the second day. That was a real turn off and I couldn’t work for some weeks. I fixed it - it will never be perfect, but it’s still my baby.
Then I realized, that the Raspberry Pi 3b won’t fit in my frame, because of it’s height. So i decided to take a Raspberry Pi Zero W. Sadly I didn’t work like on the 3b. Luckily I got help in this forum. The problem was midori in combination with ES6. So i installed Chromium. It boots really slowly, but it’s enough for it’s job.
The height of the frame isn’t that much, so I had to deepen the mdf plate on the back. Some tv-parts were too thick. There was so much dust…
It’s over two weeks, but there is dust everywhere. I don’t know if I can ever remove all of that.My screen is on the top. The raspberry is powered by the tv usb-port. So i have just one cable going out of the mirror. For the control panel of the tv I cut a slot on the frame on the right hand side and for the usb slot on the left hand side. I will 3d print a cover for the control panel.
I couldn’t screw in the mdf plate, because there are just 3mm left. So my brother glued a nut on the plate and screwed the tv parts. -
Nice work, young lady! I think I had the same expression on my face after completing my first mirror. One of pure joy! :-)
@meyraa Hey, Mey! Thats a really big and nice mirror! Thanks for sharing your project:thumbs_up:
@mykle1 yeah, that’s the best part. When it’s on your wall and you can finally plug it in to see your work :)
@idoodler Thanks :) I needed a big mirror anyways. I’m glad that such a nice project exists.