Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@core Sorry, its the config.js file.
@waynerigley Thank you!
What you can do is not show the top scrolling forecast and that should lift up the module above the bottom line…
I made this to work on a 32" mirror so it’s kinda big I know :)
There’s also NOAA1 that is much shorter but doesn’t look like NOAA2…
@core What version of NOAA are you running? If you’re using NOAA2 85% of that config isn’t even used …
Check the readme file on github
Thanks all for your help!
@idoodler I deleted MMM-Fuel from my config.js. Nothing changed, the other modules mentioned before won‘t work…this seems to be a problem with MMM-NOAA „blocking“ other modules.
@cowboysdude I run the latest version, even tried a re-installation. I adjusted the config to the current version, i.e only using apiKey and airKey as shwon in the readme.
Any more ideas…?
Ok i tried another weather module instead of mmm–noaa.
Everything is on screen and works perfectly.
So (in my case) mmm–noaa causes the problems.Anyway I would like to stick to mmm–noaa for its better visualization and tools.
I appreciate any help and solutions.Thanks!
@core You can open the MagicMirror Interface in Chrome on your desktop, open the Development Tools („F12“ on Windows) head over to „Console“ and check for anything red.
I don’t like to speak for someone else but in this case . . .
@cowboysdude is a personal friend of mine. He is currently in the middle of a massive re-write of NOAA, and that’s after he puts in long days at his day job. I’m sure he’ll investigate this issue when he can. In the meantime, which version of NOAA are you running. I see CBD asked you but you didn’t answer him. :-/
@mykle1 im hanging on the side till the new release… thanks for the heads up
@idoodler thanks for your help, I will try it!
@Mykle1 I know that CBD is currently working on an update for this module and I understand that this is very time consuming. I think I will wait for the new version :)
With regard to CBD question: I wrote him (see my prevoius post) that I am using the latest version of this module (V 2.1.7).Thanks all for your help!
@idoodler I deleted MMM-Fuel from my config.js. Nothing changed, the other modules mentioned before won‘t work…this seems to be a problem with MMM-NOAA „blocking“ other modules.
@cowboysdude I run the latest version, even tried a re-installation. I adjusted the config to the current version, i.e only using apiKey and airKey as shwon in the readme.
Any more ideas…?
Best regards!