started out playing with this MM while i recoupe from cancer Surgery and losing a testicle making moving very limited, and trust me this MM has consumed so much of my time learning and feeling i can still provide for my family in another way during this downtime. so thank you @MichMich for allowing my days to feel short and happy and a big thank you to all here who help !
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

Factory Worker FCA, ended up getting Testicular Cancer but with the Operation and Perfect Wife support, I'm doing ok. learning the MagicMirror allows painful times during the day to go by faster.
Best posts made by WayneRigley
RE: MagicMirror is voted number 1 in the MagPi Top 50!
RE: MMM-MyWastePickup (Toronto waste collection schedule)
@twosquirrels Yes, size dont matter its the quality and this is %100 Quality. its always a battle to check and get things out on time here being so busy. but now its in place its perfect ! Thank you so Much for your time. now to configure my timelines as our local dept just has a cal. no worries tho it will give me something to do now till the end of the day
@cowboysdude Glad to say i have the NOAA Installed and working perfect will say better than any other weather module ive installed as the temps are perfect. my ONLY issue is the module does not seem to be auto-sizing to its position. as you can see its overlaying on top of the bottom bar… anyone have any thoughts or what i should start to attack first . ! Picture would not load so here is a link
Latest posts made by WayneRigley
RE: My chickens need HELP
Thanks @yawns for pointing me in the right direction. i want it to look like my Phillips HUE module ( ) thats on the right side, nice and simple but under the spotify section. not sure how to ask this, but
door open - on or ran at said time…
door closed
led light
fan -
RE: My first 18” x 24” mirror
@yawns Thank you, our ISP is crap here and the last one i used was continually pulling speed tests with no way to stop it, it was bleeding our bandwidth lol hope this one has a trigger for when it runs. thanks again !
My chickens need HELP
ok, so i have a MM running in our bedroom with several modules on it running perfect. i have a second RPi in the chicken coop that has a 4 chan relay board running 4 scripts with cron. The Chicken coop is automated for the door to open in the morning and close at night, led lighting and a venting fan.
My request, i want to see plain text on our bedroom MM of the script “printout” to show that the script has executed!
Door open - ☑
LED light - ☑
Coop Fan - ✘ -
RE: My first 18” x 24” mirror
nice mirror, what speedtest are you using >
RE: Regions
Hi all, well after countless trying ive given up and now asking for help. my MM is working perfect and the only troubling issue in my top_right section, i have a few things in there under the config but i would like to extend the left border of my top_right a little more left if thats possible. i have too much open space from the center to the right side. i will not be resizing fonts using the shift+ +/- any longer so that wont be an issue is manually adjusted. thanks all in advance and have a look here what im refering to -
i ended up getting the Hue Module to work as preset config options. if i turn on the lights there is a long delay in showing on the Magic Mirror, but it does show after a while in our bedroom group. i have 6 bulbs in our bedroom group so if i change the Hue config file from groups to lights and restart the MM all the lights and names show up with an “x” and its impossible to get the MM to show the lights are ON … any help > as i want to add several bulbs arond the house NOT on a schedule and at a glance see where things are…
@mykle1 im hanging on the side till the new release… thanks for the heads up
@cowboysdude thank you ! ill have to learn and play as i have not done any of that yet.
I know @cowboysdude made the MMM-Nascar module for pulling the standings which was designed for %100 width on the bottom-bar, has anyone forked this to display a grid of the top 10 to be positioned on top-left/right side ?
RE: Weather Modul with bars for min/max temperature?
@rak thanks, ill be working on this, this afternoon … ill let you know how it works. thanks for the fork !