Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
It’s now possible to show
- multiple fuel types at once
- whether the gas station is open or closed
Have a look on the new config options:
types, sortBy and open
Deprecated config options:
Shootout to @ostfilinchen who did the prework for it
wow, nice improvement!
Hi @strawberry-3-141,
can u insert the open-Parameter to the readme on github?
@ostfilinchen it’s done must have forgot that one
I didn’t need the “rotate Intervall”. Just sort by price (lower Price first).
How to modified the Settings for this result? Thanks -
Hi, great job.
How to deactivate toggeling “rotateInterval:” -
At the Moment there’s no Option to disable the rotate-feature.
U can open an issue on github to ask, if he can create this option.
@ostfilinchen Thank you, erledigt! ;-)
@lolobyte done
@strawberry-3.141 thank you.
Very fast reaktion.
It works.