Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-ProfileSwitcher, A Profile/User/Layout Switching Module
The only error is located with to TouchNacigations:The log says
Cannot GET /modules/MMM-TouchNavigations//MMM-TouchNavigations.jsWhere does the double // comes from? (Between …Navigations and MMM-Touch…)
I don’t find it in the config of TouchNavigations…
Any ideas? -
OK, this should be relevant:
If I press on one of my bottom “you” this is what comes up in the console:[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'modules[i].name') (anonyme Funktion) (MMM-Modulebar.js:83)
this is at this line:
if (modules[i].name === data.module) {and this is what the bottoms look like:
```buttons: { "1": { module: "MMM-MotionEye", text: "door", showUrl: "http://ip:8081/motioneye/1", hideUrl: "http://ip:8081/motioneye/1/hide", }, "2": { module: "MMM-Remote-Control", symbol: "refresh", showUrl: "http://ip:8080/remote?action=REFRESH", }, "3": { module: "MMM-Remote-Control", symbol: "globe", showUrl: "http://ip:8080/remote?action=UPDATE", }, "4": { module: "MMM-ProfileSwitcher", //Ignium: 1, //text: "me", //showUrl: "this.sendNotification('CURRENT_PROFILE', 'me');", img: "url.jpg", showUrl: "http://localhost:8080/remote?action=NOTIFICATION¬ification=CURRENT_PROFILE&payload=%22me%22", width: 30, height: 40, //profilename: "me", }, "5": { module: "MMM-ProfileSwitcher", //text: "You", img: "url.jpg", showUrl: "http://ip:8080/remote?action=NOTIFICATION¬ification=CURRENT_PROFILE&payload=%22default%22", width: 30, height: 40, //profilename: "You", },
of course, ip has a relevant IP-adress. Interestingly button 1-3 work, except for 4 and 5. Any one could help?
@Binog To be honest I have no clue why there would be an additional
, try pulling all the new updates from the magicmirror framework (perhaps it was a bug?). The config looks fine for me except the url looks a bit strangeNOTIFICATION¬ification
that part especially. Does it work when you go to the link manually? -
so the Notification,.,. is a compiling-error of this board. as mentioned above or elsewhere it does look correct in the config file.
Actually I am a bit further, and ruled out some errors,.none the less I am not able to switch profiles!
If I press one of my - not working - bottoms, I get these errors: -
Where to You let Current_profile been read? -
I understand your question not really.I send the current_profile with MMM-Buttons and use it with MMM-RadioDE,
classes: ‘Radio’
under the module name -
My mirror is just about finished, I have the MMM-PIRSensor working and MMM-Buttons working which both allow me to wake/sleep the monitor working fine.
However i’d like to use MMM-Buttons as a toggle switch to enable me to essentially enable or disable the PIR sensor module:
Profile 1 - PIRSensor wakes and turns off the monitor as normal
Profile 2 - PIRSensor doesn’t do anything on motion being detected and the screen stays offI was thinking of modifying the code to do this but does anyone know if this module will allow me to achieve the results? Essentially having two profiles the same but profile 1 includes the PIRSensor module?
Hello and thanks for creating this module! I have experimenting with creating a photo frame and hope that your ProfileSwitcher will get me the rest of the way there.
I am having an issue with MMM-ProfileSwitcher and using it with MMM-RandomBackground or MMM-RandomPhoto. I have tried some simple troubleshooting steps, but am not sure how to proceed further and hope you could help.
I have simplified my config.js to try and eliminate other sources as being the issue. Currently I am experimenting using only the clock module, MMM-RandomBackground and MMM-ProfileSwitcher. I have 3 profiles ‘TestA’, ‘TestB’ and default. I ideally like to be able to show a random photo on my frame and alternate having overlays of weather / time / news / etc. based on the profile.
My idea is to have a class that shows the random photo at a reduced opacity that can have some overlay infomation (clock, weather, news, etc.). And another class that only shows the photo at full opacity.
The problem I have is that if my config.js has more than one entry for MMM-RandomBackground, it ignores more than the one entry. I am sure I have configured it correctly and have included my config.js below, but I only see a background photo for “TestA” Profile.
modules: [ { module: 'MMM-ProfileSwitcher', header: 'Profile', config: { defaultTime: 10000, defaultClass: 'default', everyoneClass: 'everyone', useLockStrings: true, leaveMessages: false, enterMessages: false, timers: { // when TestA is selected swap to the defaultClass after the defaultTime "TestA": {}, // // When TestB is selected swap to TestA after 20 seconds "TestB": { profile: "TestA", // time: 20 * 1000 }, "default": { profile: "TestB" } } } }, { module: 'alert', displayTime: 10000 }, { module: "updatenotification", position: "top_bar" }, { module: "clock", disabled: false, classes: "TestA", position: "bottom_left", config: { timeFormat: 12, displaySeconds: false, showPeriod: false, clockBold: false, dateFormat: "MMMM Do" } }, { module: "clock", disabled: false, classes: "default", position: "top_right", config: { timeFormat: 12, displaySeconds: false, showPeriod: false, clockBold: false, dateFormat: "MMMM Do" } }, { module: "clock", disabled: false, classes: "TestB", position: "top_left", config: { timeFormat: 12, displaySeconds: false, showPeriod: false, clockBold: false, dateFormat: "MMMM Do" } }, { module : 'MMM-RandomBackground', disabled: false, classes: "TestA", position : 'fullscreen_below', // Any region but this one makes the most sense config : { animationSpeed : 2000, updateInterval : 50000, opacity : 1 } }, { module : 'MMM-RandomBackground', disabled: false, classes: "TestB", position : 'fullscreen_below', // Any region but this one makes the most sense config : { animationSpeed : 2000, updateInterval : 50000, opacity : 0.5 } }, ] };
If you are able to offer any insight as to why this might be happening or further troubleshooting I could do, I would greatly appreciate it.
*** Full disclosure ***
I originally posted this help request under another topic, but thought there would be a better chance that I might get more timely help with my issue in this topic. Sorry for the cross-post. :) -
Is it possible to include a BT detection to switch profiles? RPi3 has a build BT which is not used (at least in my configuration) by the MagicMirror. It would be great if personal stuff like the calender could be switched depending on the BT device (Smartphone, Smartwatch, Fitnesstracker, …) which is near by.
I was searching for identification via BT on the RPi and this is what I have found so far:
“…present/absent can be done with very little power consumption on rPi and iPhone. Install bluetooth dongle on rPi as: (sudo aptitude install bluetooth bluez-utils bluez-compat). Figure out mac of your phone device by making it searchable and then do (hcitool scan) on rPi. Then connect to your device (make sure its searchable) as: sudo bluez-simple-agent hci0 mac_of_your_device and say yes on both sides. Then sudo bluez-test-device trusted mac_of_your_device. Now they both “know” each other. Then do sudo hcitool name mac_of_your_device in your favourite script to figure out if the iphone is nearby. This will not create a connection - but just say hi to it. If it returns a name, phone is nearby. If it returns nothing - phone is not nearby or bluetooth is switched off. Compared to creating connections or other distance computation methods out there - this method conserves battery on both sides and keeps airwave pollution to a minimum.” (found here)
and this would be even better with distance sensing: