Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Does this module work for France? -
Hello … getting this Error with npm start DEV
[17:08:01.452] [LOG] Error: Error no fuel station detail
at setStationInfos (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Fuel/apis/tankerkoenig.js:189:19)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)module: "MMM-Fuel", position: "top_right", config: { //provider: "tankerkoenig", api_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", lat: 50.873798, lng: 8.023410, types: ["E5"], updateInterval: 60000, stationIds: [ { "id": "9ac83212-c785-476f-9862-34a4b04f6320", "name": "BELL Oil", ......................................
What could that be ?
strawberry 3.141 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by strawberry 3.141 Apr 5, 2021, 5:57 PM Apr 5, 2021, 5:48 PM
@RIKKO14 currently this module only supports Germany, Austria and NSW in Australia.
If you find an API for data in France the module can be expanded. A guide can be found here.
@eniac there are a couple of issues.
- You have the wrong format for the stationIds. It should be
stationIds: ["9ac83212-c785-476f-9862-34a4b04f6320"]
. - I suggest not going lower than the default update interval of 15min. You currently fetch data every minute, which can lead to a suspension of your API key as other users experienced before. Also see limitations here
- The fuel type should be lowercase
- The fuel station id you tried is inside the default search radius. There seems to be a bug currently, where we still make a request even if the list is empty. I suggest to either disable the radius search or remove the station ids.
{ module: "MMM-Fuel", position: "top_right", config: { api_key: "XXXXXXXXXXXX", lat: 50.873798, lng: 8.023410, types: ["e5"], stationIds: ["9ac83212-c785-476f-9862-34a4b04f6320"], radius: 0 } },
{ module: "MMM-Fuel", position: "top_right", config: { api_key: "XXXXXXXXXXXX", lat: 50.873798, lng: 8.023410, types: ["e5"] } },
- You have the wrong format for the stationIds. It should be
Version 2.2.1
- Filtering of station ids lead to invalid price request for provider tankerkoenig
- Log a warning if no fuel station detail could be fetched
- Updated provider integration documentation
[card: fewieden/MMM-Fuel]
With the new update of MM I’m getting the following error:
0|mm | [15.04.2021 14:11.21.945] [ERROR] (node:15096) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Cannot find module 'geolib' 0|mm | Require stack: 0|mm | - /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Fuel/apis/tankerkoenig.js 0|mm | - /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Fuel/node_helper.js 0|mm | - /home/pi/MagicMirror/js/app.js 0|mm | - /home/pi/MagicMirror/js/electron.js 0|mm | - /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/default_app.asar/main.js
Hello, i want to check prices of only 3 specific gas stations, but it doesn`t work.code_text: config: { api_key: "XXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", types: ["e5"], rotate: true, showDistance:false, lat: 50.8634, lng: 8.03944, stationIds: ["238715f9-60d6-4f7a-9e74-c40fdb71a79d"], radius: 0, lat: 50.8708534, lng: 8.014519, stationIds: ["1b41801e-ee5e-490e-86d6-474bafec5dc4"], radius: 0, lat: 50.871715, lng: 8.012415, stationIds: ["4b9763df-8cce-426f-a1d5-2b44d413550a"], radius: 0, // all your config options, which are different than their default values }
I try to set stationIds like that:
stationIds: ["238715f9-60d6-4f7a-9e74-c40fdb71a79d,1b41801e-ee5e-490e-86d6-474bafec5dc4,4b9763df-8cce-426f-a1d5-2b44d413550a"],
but it also doesn`t work.
Could you explaine how set specific gas stations?Thanks
@commander said in MMM-Fuel:
stationIds: [“238715f9-60d6-4f7a-9e74-c40fdb71a79d,1b41801e-ee5e-490e-86d6-474bafec5dc4,4b9763df-8cce-426f-a1d5-2b44d413550a”],
stationIds: ["238715f9-60d6-4f7a-9e74-c40fdb71a79d", "1b41801e-ee5e-490e-86d6-474bafec5dc4", "4b9763df-8cce-426f-a1d5-2b44d413550a"],
is it possible to sort by distance without rotation?
{ module: "MMM-Fuel", position: "top_right", config: { api_key: "my_key", showAddress: false, rotate: false, lat: my_lat, lng: my_lng, shortenText: false, types: ["e5"], sortBy: "e5", //possible to sort by distance? e.g. sortBy: "distance" }
Thank you
@seansation this is currently not supported, feel free to send a pr.