Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Any luck with the ERROR message near the microphone? I have the same and no idea what to do next.
@wjdw87 - Looking at the
file, the line it’s failing on isif sudo apt-get install bison libasound2-dev autoconf automake libtool python-dev swig python-pip -y ;
If “command not found” is your error message, it looks like
is not installed on your Mac. -
thanks to @strawberry-3-141 the module works now very good! Hopefully the other module developer will add the voice function!
I had a problem with this module too. My first problem was to solve the issue with the usb soundcard. Then i insert the debug line in the config and get some more informations. Now, i say magic mirror and the microphone is blinking and i can say some keywords like HIDE ALL MODULES, and i can see, the module understand me correctly, but do nothing… Anybody know why?
The module works very good! I’m Spanish and I have had to modify some words to improve the results.
But, I’ve a question:
I want use only the VOICE module. It’s possible to predefine that module when MagicMirror starts?Thanks!
strawberry 3.141 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by strawberry 3.141 Dec 20, 2016, 10:34 AM Dec 20, 2016, 10:34 AM
@ealfaror Currently it’s not supported. If you want to change it this is were you need to change it
mode: "VOICE"
. But keep in mind that manual changes can make trouble by a module update -
@strawberry-3.141 Thanks! I’ve changed it and it works!
I hope I’ll remember it when the module updates. :) -
I am not sure what I am missing/doing wrong. I have gotten everything installed and working after several attempts. I enabled debugging so I could see what it was capturing. Magic mirror activated microphone just fine. I could see the text below it that it was recognising, but if I said hide, or hide modules. It won’t hide any modules.
@Allred sounds like you didn’t enter the voice mode first
will activate the microphone, switch to voice mode and performs the task hide modules.For every following command in the voice mode you have to say
or when the microphone is already active justSHOW MODULES
until you switch into another mode, then you would have to say voice again