@cowboysdude exactly what did you do? lol
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Internet Monitor
@pjkoeleman is this module working for you? I can’t get it to work :(
RE: mirror for magic mirror?
@Mykle1 I think he’s asking wether there’s something more than just that 3mm glass. Like another type of glass/screen/sheet of any sort, behind it. Looks amazing! I’m thinking of using a 32" monitor. Sadly, the mirror I’m able to find when it comes to this size is really expensive! :(
RE: Order two way mirror in France
Hi @nvkhq,
Have you checked out this thread:
https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/2016/two-way-mirror-order-in-germany-accumulation-for-2nd-round ?Shipping to France should be possible since @Goldjunge_Chriz says it’s possible to ship to Spain and Sweden for example. :)
RE: Internet Monitor
@pjkoeleman Thank you! Using your config lines made it work somehow! I am too interested in changing color of the wi-fi strength png’s. I tried changing all the white levelColors without success. Don’t know what is turning the strength bars into a white color :( Anybody who could help us out? Thanks.
RE: [ORDER CLOSED] Two way mirror order in Germany
@yawns faith in humanity… RESTORED!
RE: Internet Monitor
@ronny3050 Option 1 would be quite amazing, yes! Another question, would it be possible to remove everything in the module except for the wi-fi indicator part, to make it smaller and quicker (maybe easier to configure for nubs like me)? Like remove all unnecessary files and coding. I’m afraid I’ll break it if I tinker with it lol.
RE: How hot does your mirror run?
Has anybody here tried attaching a copper heatsink to their pi? I saw a few fellas on youtube doing this but I’m quite unsure if that’s an option I’ll go for.
RE: MMM-voice
A fresh install of Jessie and MM and this module works without any problems whatsoever. Awesome!
RE: [ORDER CLOSED] Two way mirror order in Germany
If insurance won’t cover the damages - I’d like to propose a funding for @tomster as one of his mirrors broke, if there is any interest in this community for such a thing? If everyone chips in, it won’t be that much each.