Noticed this topic is quite old, but I would also like a module for this.
The software might not be trendy like Sonos, but it has had a thriving community and active development for over 20 years.
It would be nice with a local network solution that simply shows what is playing on a perticular player.
@barnosch I’m building module-management module with that page. I’d thought it could be good if we have some kind of centralized repository with more detailed and regularized information.
@barnosch Got exactly the same results.
Haven’t found any solution to that.
I guess the installation is stopped in the middle trying to install electron-chromedriver, so not finished.
@barnosch said in What are your top3 modules?:
what are your top3 modules you can’t live without?
This might seem like a shameless plug but it is true to the question.
Hello-Lucy - enhancement to MMM-voice
MMM-NOAA - Fantastic! Constantly upgraded! Great support!
MMM-FMI - For those that can’t keep track of their iPhone. :-)
So it is definetly related to either pm2 or the MM application.
If i stop the mirror with “pm2 stop” the normal pi desktop is shown and the screen does not go offline.
The status light of the monitor is always “online”, even if there is no picture shown anymore.
I can always revive the screen (for some minutes) with the above bash script.
I really can’t get it, whats causing this.
i checked the crontab -e file (also as sudo) there is just a
@reboot script for the mirror to autostart after a reboot
and two scripts for switching the monitor off at 10pm and switch on at 6.45am. This is working.
Any suggestions?
It started after testing with a pir sensor. This sensor is meanwhile disconnected physically.