@idoodler Thanks :) I needed a big mirror anyways. I’m glad that such a nice project exists.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Mey's Mirror 1.5m x 0.67m
RE: Mey's Mirror 1.5m x 0.67m
@mykle1 yeah, that’s the best part. When it’s on your wall and you can finally plug it in to see your work :)
Mey's Mirror 1.5m x 0.67m
Hello fellow MirrorMaker
I work in a city up on a mountain, but live near the see. The weather is different. I got to work with shorts and t-shirt, because it was really hot where i live, but It was very cold up where I work. That’s the reason why i made my MagicMirror. Just to see the weather and myself on the mirror and think about clothing decision.
But now to the interesting part. The components of my mirror:
- Rapsberry Pi Zero W (~10€)
- mirror: Pilkington Mirropane Chrome Spy 1500x670x4 mm (~270€ with shipping)
- screen: MEDION LIFE P12164 (TV nobody used, so i took the screen)
- frame: custom made in Jumbo (~110€)
- Clock
- Compliments
- News Feed (maybe i’ll remove this)
- MMM-swisstransport
- MMM-weatherchart
- MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic
- Planed: Google Calendar (and ad this)
I will change some things on the layout of my mirror. It annoys me a little, that it’s not that symmetric. The Google Maps Traffic will be bigger and more on the top. When I can find some space, I want to add my google calendar.
But i had real trouble while making the mirror. First i destroyed the mirror, on the second day. That was a real turn off and I couldn’t work for some weeks. I fixed it - it will never be perfect, but it’s still my baby.
Then I realized, that the Raspberry Pi 3b won’t fit in my frame, because of it’s height. So i decided to take a Raspberry Pi Zero W. Sadly I didn’t work like on the 3b. Luckily I got help in this forum. The problem was midori in combination with ES6. So i installed Chromium. It boots really slowly, but it’s enough for it’s job.
The height of the frame isn’t that much, so I had to deepen the mdf plate on the back. Some tv-parts were too thick. There was so much dust…
It’s over two weeks, but there is dust everywhere. I don’t know if I can ever remove all of that.My screen is on the top. The raspberry is powered by the tv usb-port. So i have just one cable going out of the mirror. For the control panel of the tv I cut a slot on the frame on the right hand side and for the usb slot on the left hand side. I will 3d print a cover for the control panel.
I couldn’t screw in the mdf plate, because there are just 3mm left. So my brother glued a nut on the plate and screwed the tv parts.
Finally we could install it on the wall.
RE: midori cant connect to localhost
@bbdv I had the same problem. Midori has problems with ES6 and the arrow functions. I just deinstalled Midori and installed chromium-browser.
You can rewrite the startMidori.sh
#!/bin/sh unclutter & xset -dpms # disable DPMS (Energy Star) features. xset s off # disable screen saver xset s noblank # don’t blank the video device chromium-browser --no-sandbox --disable-infobars --start-maximized --noerrdialogs --kiosk --incognito http://localhost:8080
If you want you can rename startMidori.sh to startChromium.sh, but don’t forget to rename it in the startMagicMirror.sh too.
My startMagicMirror.sh looks like this:
#! /bin/bash cd ~/MagicMirror node serveronly & sleep 45 sudo xinit /home/pi/startMidori.sh
RE: Midori white screen (Raspberry Pi Zero W)
@strawberry-3-141 Ok now i solved it. I just installed chromium-browser and did everything with it. It works with the ES6 too. I reversed my changes.
Thank you for your answer. I struggled a long time. Without your hint i wouldn’t find it soon.
RE: Midori white screen (Raspberry Pi Zero W)
Today I removed all arrow functions and replaced all “let” and “const” with var. But sadly this is not helping too. I don’t know if there is another browser i could use or use babel.
RE: Midori white screen (Raspberry Pi Zero W)
@strawberry-3-141 thank you for your answer. I deactivated (removed from the config) each module except the clock module. But sadly nothing changed. Then i updated my MagicMirror and made a new config, but sadly that didn’t changed anything.
On my PC it works, however i got the following errorWhoops! There was an uncaught exception... { Error: socket hang up at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:331:15) at Socket.socketCloseListener (_http_client.js:363:23) at emitOne (events.js:121:20) at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7) at TCP._handle.close [as _onclose] (net.js:554:12) code: 'ECONNRESET' }
I will look if there is some other ES6 features, but wouldn’t more people have the same issue when it would be in the default modules?
Midori white screen (Raspberry Pi Zero W)
Hi guys,
I try to put MagicMirror on my Raspberry Pi Zero W (not enough space in the mirror for a Pi 3b). I set everything up like in the following post: How I got my Magic Mirror working on a Raspberry Pi 0 (zero)
- I modified many things on the MagicMirror 6 month ago (css, some modules), why I didn’t updated it. I have an older version, that works on my PC. So I had to move this file on the Pi.
- Npm and node didn’t really work (npm i dind’t install everything), why I coudn’t use
/sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
. I don’t know anymore how I did it, but I installed node 8.11.1 and npm 6.0.1.
On my PC the MagicMirror works fine (with node serveronly). Every module works perfectly. When I change index.html with a h1 and a simple text i can see it. But when i use the MagicMirror, there is a fullscreen white page.
Autostart, fullscreen and “hide curser” works, it’s just the mirror that’s not working.Today i tried to npm i again (hoped it would maybe work) --> got some errors because of electron-chromedriver. I installed the chromedriver manually and moved it in the node_modules.
Now I’m working some weeks on this problems, but don’t know why it’s not working. Do you have any idea?