I am trying to install the MM-concert-calendar module.
after runing query: https://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/search/locations.json?query=YOUR_CITY_HERE&apikey=YOUR_SONGKICK_API
i have this:
{"resultsPage": {"status": "ok", "results": {"location": [{"city": {"lat": 49.1833, "lng": - 0.35, "country":
{"displayName ":" France "}," displayName ":" Caen "}," metroArea ": {" lat ": 49.1833," lng ": - 0.35," country ":
{" displayName ":" France "}," uri ":" http://www.songkick.com/metro_areas/28855-france-caen?
utm_source=59898&utm_medium=partner "," displayName ":" Caen "," id ": 28855}}]}," perPage ": 50, "page": 1, "totalEntries": 1}}
i open open concertcalendar.js but i don’t find the property named in the concertcalendar.js
/* Magic Mirror
* Module: ConcertCalendar
* By Marc Pratllusà https://github.com/muilpp
* based on a Script from Benjamin Angst http://www.beny.ch
* MIT Licensed.
// Define module defaults
defaults: {
maximumArtist: 150, // Number of bands to check if they are on tour
concertsPerPage: 8,
updateInterval: 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000, // Once a day.
paginationInterval: 20 * 1000, // Every twenty seconds.
animationSpeed: 2000,
fade: true,
fadePoint: 0.25, // Start on 1/4th of the list.
initialLoadDelay: 0, // start delay seconds.
apiBase: 'http://localhost:8282/concerts',
area: "28714", //your songkick area here (Barcelona, Spain by default)
user: "",. //your lastfm username here
titleReplace: {
"Upcoming Concerts Calendar ": ""
// Define required scripts.
getStyles: function() {
return ["concertcalendar.css", "font-awesome.css"];
// Define required scripts.
getScripts: function() {
return ["moment.js"];
// Define start sequence.
start: function() {
Log.info("Starting module: " + this.name);
// Set locale.
this.concerts = [];
this.visibleConcerts = [];
this.loaded = false;
this.paginationTimer = null;
this.paginationIndex = 0;
this.updateTimer = null;
// Override dom generator.
getDom: function() {
var wrapper = document.createElement("div");
var table = document.createElement("table");
table.className = "small";
for (var t in this.visibleConcerts) {
var concert = this.visibleConcerts[t];
var row = document.createElement("tr");
var concertArtistCell = document.createElement("td");
concertArtistCell.className = "from";
concertArtistCell.innerHTML = concert.artist;
var concertCityCell = document.createElement("td");
concertCityCell.innerHTML = " - " + concert.city.trim()+", ";
concertCityCell.className = "align-right trainto";
var concertDate = document.createElement("td");
concertDate.innerHTML = concert.concertDate;
concertDate.className = "align-right trainto";
return table;
/* updateTimetable()
* Calls processConcerts on succesfull response.
updateTimetable: function() {
var url = this.config.apiBase + this.getParams();
var self = this;
var retry = true;
var concertRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
concertRequest.open("GET", url, true);
concertRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
if (this.status === 200) {
} else if (this.status === 401) {
self.config.id = "";
Log.error(self.name + ": Incorrect, 401 reponse...");
retry = false;
} else {
Log.error(self.name + ": Could not load concerts.");
if (retry) {
self.scheduleUpdate((self.loaded) ? -1 : self.config.retryDelay);
/* getParams(compliments)
* Generates an url with api parameters based on the config.
* return String - URL params.
getParams: function() {
var params = "/";
params += this.config.area;
params += "/" + this.config.user;
params += "?limit=" + this.config.maximumArtist;
return params;
/* processConcerts(data)
* Uses the received data to set the various values.
* argument data object - Weather information received form openweather.org.
processConcerts: function(data) {
this.concerts = [];
data.forEach((concert) => {
var city = concert.City.split(",");
if (city.length > 0) {
cityToAdd = city[0];
if (city[0].length > 9)
cityToAdd = city[0].substring(0,9)+"..";
artistToAdd = concert.Artist;
if (artistToAdd.length > 10)
artistToAdd = artistToAdd.substring(0,10)+"..";
var date = new Date(concert.Date);
artist: artistToAdd.trim(),
city: cityToAdd.trim(),
concertDate: date.getDate()+"/"+(date.getMonth()+1)
this.loaded = true;
concertsToShow = this.concerts.slice(0,this.config.concertsPerPage);
this.visibleConcerts = this.visibleConcerts.concat(concertsToShow);
paginate: function() {
this.paginationIndex = this.paginationIndex + this.config.concertsPerPage;
if (this.concerts.length > this.paginationIndex) {
this.visibleConcerts = this.concerts.slice(this.paginationIndex, this.paginationIndex+this.config.concertsPerPage);
} else {
this.visibleConcerts = this.concerts.slice(0,this.config.concertsPerPage);
this.paginationIndex = 0;
/* scheduleUpdate()
* Schedule next update.
* argument delay number - Milliseconds before next update. If empty, this.config.updateInterval is used.
scheduleUpdate: function(delay) {
var nextLoad = this.config.updateInterval;
if (typeof delay !== "undefined" && delay >= 0) {
nextLoad = delay;
var self = this;
this.updateTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, nextLoad);
paginationUpdate: function() {
var self = this;
setInterval(function() {
}, this.config.paginationInterval);
and add my username in the property right below it.
If not, is there a simpler module to have concerts close to home in France?
I tried with MMM-Events but my city, Caen in France (city of more than 100,000 inhabitants), is too small for the eventful API: on the eventfull website concerts are displayed but with the API concerts are not are not found, by contacting eventful I understood that I would have to buy an API which I do not want and moreover Eventful forgets a lot of concerts for my city.
Thank you for your help.