Hi !
Yesterday i checked my Caledar on the Mirror (2.6.0) in found something strange …
Is that a Bug or are there worng Settings in the config.js
Here is the Picture:
Please look at the current Date and the Family Calendar
This are the Settings in my config.js
module: "calendar",
position: "top_left",
header: "Familienkalender",
config: {
calendars: [
symbol: "calendar-check-o ",
url: "webcal://xxxx.ics"
titleReplace: {
"De verjaardag van ": "",
"'s birthday": ""
excludedEvents: [
maxTitleLength: 30,
urgency: 3,
maximumEntries: 15,
colored: true,
coloredSymbolOnly: true,
timeFormat: "absolute",
dateFormat: "Do MMM",
fullDayEventDateFormat: "Do MMM"
/your code here
urgency is set to 3
But the 17th is not displayed as tomorrow or in 1 days
and the first entry of the 18th is not displayed as in2 days like the 2nd entry at 18th …