@kal Singapore
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-uber and MMM-lyft
@kal hi, Earlier i had issues using POOL, mention ride_type: ‘uberPOOL’ , now working fine
RE: Stop AutoStart MagicMirror
@plybz18 Hi, Using sudo nano mm.sh and then add # infront of DISPLAY=:0 npm start, this will skip auto restart
RE: Background image affected by Margins
hi, use MMM-Profilepicture module, it will show full screen picture
module: “MMM-Profilepicture”,
position: “fullscreen_below”,
classes: “default everyone”,
config: {
// See below for configurable options
url: “”
}, -
RE: Access MagicMirror with HTTP?
hi, Try to include your local IP subnet in the config file
var config = {
port: 8080,
ipWhitelist: [“”, “::ffff:”, “::1”, “::ffff:”, “”], -
RE: Access MagicMirror with HTTP?
you can access Mirror in internal network using http://192.168.x.x:8080/ and use free no-ip DDNS register your raspberry pi IP with domain name and port forward in your router -
RE: Alexa module
Hi, Install Alexapi ( https://github.com/alexa-pi/AlexaPi) . while installing Alexapi choose magicmirror as OS and then add MMM-Alexa , works fine installed and tested
MMM-ProfileSwitcher Module
Hi ,
How can i change profiles ( MMM-ProfileSwitcher Modules ) using Remote control module
RE: Fridge-mounted display
@tshort hi, how to run kitchen timer on non-touch screen