beforehand - I am a python beginner. Be nice ;-)
I want to change the display format of the date. My MagicMirror runs in German.
Instead of “today at xx.xx clock” or in German “Heute um xx.xx Uhr” only “xx.xx” should be displayed, as with later events in a few days. And instead of “Morgen um xx.xx Uhr” you should also see “xx.xx”.
In the translations, I first tried to set the translation of “today” and “tomorrow” to “”. Apparently, translation is not used by the calendar module. It was already clear to me that there must be something else because a translation of “at” or “um” did not occur.
So it’s probably a formatting function in python. But I fail.
Can someone help me?
And then another question, since I am also a github freshman. Should / can I make such a new version of Calendar available to all and if so, how do I do that.
thank you very much