@extec said in Weatherstation using MagicMirror+Rasp3b+7inch touchscreen:
Hello Mr. cgillinger,
first of all thank you very much for posting.
I just got myself into RPis and would’ve loved to have a Weatherstation just like yours.
My Display is 5", 800x480. More than enough for the beginning.
Now Maybe you are able to help me out. I have a fresh install of RPi OS with NodeJS 20.11 and Magic Mirror installed.
I was able to modify some modules and change the color of the restart buttons.
However I was not able to integrate the Weather Icons or change the color of them. Also how did you manage to resize the “Forecast” module?
Any help would be appreciated.
Many greetings,
attachment: this is what it looks like now.
[image: 1706998425553-img_4358.jpeg]
I just entered the colors in the “custom.css” file, located in the MagicMirror/css folder. And if I remember correctly it was a bit sensitive to location. Let me just paste my entire custom.css, and see if that works on your PI:
/* MagicMirror² Custom CSS Sample
* Change color and fonts here.
* Beware that properties cannot be unitless, so for example write '--gap-body: 0px;' instead of just '--gap-body: 0;'
* MIT Licensed.
/* Uncomment and adjust accordingly if you want to import another font from the google-fonts-api: */
/* @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:wght@100;300;400;700&display=swap'); */
:root {
--color-text: #EEEEEE;
--color-text-dimmed: #666;
--color-text-bright: #fff;
--color-background: black;
--font-primary: "Roboto Condensed";
--font-secondary: "Roboto";
--font-size: 20px;
--font-size-small: 0.75rem;
--gap-body-top: 60px;
--gap-body-right: 60px;
--gap-body-bottom: 60px;
--gap-body-left: 60px;
--gap-modules: 30px;
#module_4_weather header {
font-size: 30px !important; /* Forces the font size, overriding other rules */
/* Weather Icon Size */
.weather .weather-icon .wi {
font-size: 50x; /* Adjust as needed */
.wi-cloudy {
color: #ADD8E6; /* Light blue color */
/* Add more rules for each icon */
.wi-day-sunny { color: #FFD700; } /* Bright Yellow */
.wi-night-clear { color: #FFD27F; } /* Moon Yellow */
.wi-day-cloudy { color: #87CEEB; } /* Sky Blue */
.wi-night-alt-cloudy { color: #1E90FF; } /* Dark Blue */
.wi-day-cloudy-gusts { color: #A9BACD; } /* Gray Blue */
.wi-night-alt-cloudy-gusts { color: #4169E1; } /* Twilight Blue */
.wi-day-cloudy-windy { color: #ADD8E6; } /* Light Blue */
.wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy { color: #191970; } /* Midnight Blue */
.wi-day-fog { color: #D3D3D3; } /* Light Gray */
.wi-night-fog { color: #C0C0C0; } /* Silver */
.wi-day-hail { color: #ACE5EE; } /* Ice Blue */
.wi-night-hail { color: #4682B4; } /* Steel Blue */
.wi-day-lightning { color: #FFA500; } /* Bright Orange */
.wi-night-alt-lightning { color: #FFD700; } /* Gold */
.wi-day-rain { color: #0000FF; } /* Blue */
.wi-night-alt-rain { color: #483D8B; } /* Dark Slate Blue */
.wi-day-rain-mix { color: #6495ED; } /* Cornflower Blue */
.wi-night-alt-rain-mix { color: #4169E1; } /* Royal Blue */
.wi-day-rain-wind { color: #1E90FF; } /* Dodger Blue */
.wi-night-alt-rain-wind { color: #0000CD; } /* Medium Blue */
.wi-day-showers { color: #00BFFF; } /* Deep Sky Blue */
.wi-night-alt-showers { color: #6A5ACD; } /* Slate Blue */
.wi-day-sleet { color: #778899; } /* Light Slate Gray */
.wi-night-alt-sleet { color: #A9A9A9; } /* Dark Gray */
.wi-day-snow { color: #FFFFFF; } /* White */
.wi-night-alt-snow { color: #DCDCDC; } /* Gainsboro */
.wi-day-sprinkle { color: #B0C4DE; } /* Light Steel Blue */
.wi-night-alt-sprinkle { color: #ADD8E6; } /* Light Blue */
.wi-day-storm-showers { color: #FF8C00; } /* Dark Orange */
.wi-night-alt-storm-showers { color: #B8860B; } /* Dark Goldenrod */
.wi-day-sunny-overcast { color: #EEE8AA; } /* Pale Goldenrod */
.wi-night-alt-cloudy-high { color: #87CEFA; } /* Light Sky Blue */
.wi-day-light-wind { color: #B0E0E6; } /* Powder Blue */
.wi-night-alt-partly-cloudy { color: #00CED1; } /* Dark Turquoise */
.wi-cloudy {
color: #ADD8E6; /* Light blue color */
.wi-cloud { color: #D3D3D3; } /* Light Gray */
.wi-cloudy { color: #A9BACD; } /* Gray Blue */
.wi-cloudy-gusts { color: #4682B4; } /* Steel Blue */
.wi-cloudy-windy { color: #87CEEB; } /* Sky Blue */
.wi-fog { color: #C0C0C0; } /* Silver */
.wi-hail { color: #ACE5EE; } /* Ice Blue */
.wi-rain { color: #0000FF; } /* Blue */
.wi-rain-mix { color: #6495ED; } /* Cornflower Blue */
.wi-rain-wind { color: #1E90FF; } /* Dodger Blue */
.wi-showers { color: #00BFFF; } /* Deep Sky Blue */
.wi-sleet { color: #778899; } /* Light Slate Gray */
.wi-snow { color: #FFFFFF; } /* White */
.wi-sprinkle { color: #B0C4DE; } /* Light Steel Blue */
.wi-storm-showers { color: #FF8C00; } /* Dark Orange */
.wi-thunderstorm { color: #FFD700; } /* Gold */
.wi-snow-wind { color: #DCDCDC; } /* Gainsboro */
.wi-smog { color: #FFFFE0; } /* Light Yellow */
.wi-smoke { color: #BC8F8F; } /* Rosy Brown */
.wi-lightning { color: #FFA500; } /* Bright Orange */
.wi-raindrops { color: #5F9EA0; } /* Cadet Blue */
.wi-raindrop { color: #ADD8E6; } /* Light Blue */
.wi-dust { color: #F0E68C; } /* Khaki */
.wi-snowflake-cold { color: #F0FFFF; } /* Azure */
.wi-windy { color: #F08080; } /* Light Coral */
.wi-strong-wind { color: #00008B; } /* DarkBlue */
.wi-sunrise { color: #FFD700; } /* Bright Yellow */
.wi-sunset { color: #FF8C00; } /* Sunset Orange */
/* Weather Icon Size */
#module_4_weather .weather-icon .wi {
font-size: 40px; /* Adjust the icon size as needed */
/* Temperature Text Size */
.weather .align-right.bright {
font-size: 26px;
.weather .day {
font-size: 26px !important; /* Forces the font size, overriding other rules */
Getting the size of the weather icons right was a lot of fiddling to find out the name of the class.
Now, I use the standard Weather module, but for my location I use swedish SMHI as provider:
module: "weather",
position: "bottom_left",
//initialLoadDelay: "500",
config: {
weatherProvider: "smhi",
type: "current",
lat: "XXXXXXXX",
lon: "XXXXXXX",
windUnits: "metric",
degreeLabel: "true",
howPrecipitationAmount: "true",
showPrecipitationProbability: "true",
colored: "True",
And for forecast I use Norweigan, Yr:
module: "weather",
position: "top_right",
header: "Väderprognos",
config: {
weatherProvider: "yr",
initialLoadDelay: "500",
type: "hourly",
lat: "XXXXXXXX",
lon: "XXXXXXXX",
maxEntries: "9",
fade: "false",
fadePoint: "1",
colored: "true",
degreeLabel: "true",
//showPrecipitationAmount: "true",
//showPrecipitationProbability: "true",
//maxNumberOfDays: "10",
Hope this helps, otherwise I’ll have to dig deeper.