I created this library if you want use snowboy in your module.
This library is very simplified and ready for use in your node_helper.js
This library is used in MMM-GoogleAssistant, MMM-Snowboy, MMM-AssistantMk2
For listening keyword, you have to use a mic, so snowboy need some dependencies to use it
sudo apt install libmagic-dev libatlas-base-dev sox libsox-fmt-all build-essential
npm install @bugsounet/snowboy
In the ending of installation, if you use electron you can do electron rebuild step.
Do you want to execute electron rebuild ? [Y/n]
Your choice:
Sample with new Snowboy contructor
/** sample code for using snowboy library **/
/** @bugsounet **/
const Snowboy = require("@bugsounet/snowboy").Snowboy
var config = {
debug: true,
snowboy: {
audioGain: 2.0,
Frontend: true,
Model: "jarvis",
Sensitivity: null
micConfig: {
recorder: "arecord",
device: "plughw:1",
this.snowboy = new Snowboy(config.snowboy, config.micConfig, (detected) => { detect(detected) }, config.debug )
function detect(detected) {
console.log("Make your script if " + detected + " is detected")
constructor of Snowboy
Snowboy(snowboyConfig, micConfig, callback, debug)
AudioGain - set the gain of mic. Usually you don’t need to set or adjust this value.
Frontend - set pre-processing of hotword detection. When you use only snowboy and smart_mirror, false is better. But with other models, true is better to recognize.
Model - set the name of your detector. Available: “smart_mirror”, “jarvis”, “computer”, “snowboy”, “subex”, “neo_ya”, “hey_extreme”, “view_glass”
Sensitivity - Override default sensitivity value for applied model defined in Model.
Value could be within a range from 0.0 to 1.0.
Default sensitivity values for preconfigured models are:
smart_mirror: 0.5
jarvis: 0.7
computer: 0.6
snowboy: 0.5
subex: 0.6
neo_ya: 0.7
hey_extreme: 0.6
view_glass: 0.7
alexa: 0.6
null will set default sensitivity.
recorder - record program, rec, arecord, sox, parec is available.
On RaspberryPi or some linux machines, arecord is better.
On OSX, rec is better.
If you prefer to use pulse audio, parec would be available also.
device - recording device (microphone) name of your environment. (e.g. “plughw:1”)
Find proper device name by yourself. (arecord -l will be help on Raspberry Pi or linux platform)
if snowboy detect a keyword, it return it with his name
if you want debuging information, just set to true
init() : initialize the constructor
start() : start listening and waiting for your keyword
stop() : force stop listening