Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Can you post a screenshot?
Sorry, I didn’t get chance to post Screen Shots and have been busy. :-( Seems Ok at the moment. Thanks!
If you see any errors again let me know!
@paviro Hi
I’ve been having errors in the forum again , It’s Edge, I know who users Edge right? :-) I’m using it as much as possible to see “where” it is… anyway I thought I would let you know, the same errors don’t seem to happen in Chrome, not yet anyway. :-)
Could you upload to a site not requiring Adobe Flash? :)
@paviro Yeah sorry I will… it’s the capture tool not the site :-( Didn’t know it was flash. :-(
Will try to do after work this evening.
I also have some problems with uploading images.
It gives the following error message :
Error Something went wrong while parsing server response
@pascal456 Is this still an issue for you? I changed some stuff a while ago.
@paviro Thank you for the changes but I’ve had NO issues since then …
No issues here