@zylejas98 you most certainly can create your own web page, if you have the time . you will do all the same work the MagicMirror modules do today
decide on a display function, find a data provider,
get the data, design and format a display from the data, decide and implement a data refresh approach , figure out how to integrate multiple data displays, etc
MagicMirror will run just about anywhere
its just an spp
while you are developing/composing, do it on a native machine. docker and mmos add too much extra complexity in my opinion
its a composable information panel
calendar in a list is easy, we supply the module that does that
wall cal type there are a couple which feed off the same calendar data
weather, stocks, bus/train times are available. some of the data services are becoming fee based. nothing we can do about it. if you did your own, same problem
use my install script for linux and mac, see https://github.com/sdetweil/MagicMirror_scripts
if you don’t like the config editing , try my MMM-Config module that generates a form
see https://github.com/sdetweil
i don’t provide module installation, but that is usually very easy. (see the 3rd party module list linked at the top of this forum) search is very good
consistent style, font and color will be a problem if you want that