Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My Custom Smart Mirror.
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Oct 20, 2018, 2:35 AM Oct 20, 2018, 1:58 AM
You could use MMM-EasyPix as a background module but that is really not its purpose. Just try this module.
thanks works better :)
Looks realy great, good work!
What monitor did you use? Mine is bleeding it’s backlight through the mirror, which isn’t the case with your screen, according to the pictures.
@hannes23 So long as the light in front of the mirror is brighter than the monitor behind the mirror it won’t bleed through. I am using an old LCD screen I had lying around but an OLED would produce the best results as the black on those is truly black. I only get bleed through when I turn the light off in my room. If the light is on, all looks good.
A mirror with a higher transmission should also reduce the backlight bleeding since you won’t have to increase the brightness as much, creating a better black and therefore having better contrast.
Dear @SubLim3 the none looks cool. Well done :) Cool mirror. Where did hang it? Hope you guys enjoys it :)
Many Greetings from Germany,
Paul -
Hello! I have one question! The only type of mirror that you used in that project was the two-way mirror, right? I’m asking this because I’m looking to put 2 types of mirror: a two way one only for the monitor (because it’s a 17 inch 4:3 one and it’s small) and the rest will be just a simple mirror. Thanks in advance and also great project. Good luck.
@kass said in My Custom Smart Mirror.:
Hello! I have one question! The only type of mirror that you used in that project was the two-way mirror, right? I’m asking this because I’m looking to put 2 types of mirror: a two way one only for the monitor (because it’s a 17 inch 4:3 one and it’s small) and the rest will be just a simple mirror. Thanks in advance and also great project. Good luck.
You don’t need to do that. Use one big mirror glass, place the monitor wherever you want to and make sure the entire rest of the mirror is covered with black foil, black cardboard or something similar. As long as no light from the back reached the area of the mirror glass it works like a mirror and you cannot “look behind”. Only the area which is lit up by the monitor will be see through.