Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My Custom Smart Mirror.
nice setup. one question what module did u use for background ? I have MMM-EasyPix but do not know how to put pic to fullscreen. Can you share your config ?
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Oct 20, 2018, 2:35 AM Oct 20, 2018, 1:58 AM
You could use MMM-EasyPix as a background module but that is really not its purpose. Just try this module.
thanks works better :)
Looks realy great, good work!
What monitor did you use? Mine is bleeding it’s backlight through the mirror, which isn’t the case with your screen, according to the pictures.
@hannes23 So long as the light in front of the mirror is brighter than the monitor behind the mirror it won’t bleed through. I am using an old LCD screen I had lying around but an OLED would produce the best results as the black on those is truly black. I only get bleed through when I turn the light off in my room. If the light is on, all looks good.
A mirror with a higher transmission should also reduce the backlight bleeding since you won’t have to increase the brightness as much, creating a better black and therefore having better contrast.
Dear @SubLim3 the none looks cool. Well done :) Cool mirror. Where did hang it? Hope you guys enjoys it :)
Many Greetings from Germany,
Paul -
Hello! I have one question! The only type of mirror that you used in that project was the two-way mirror, right? I’m asking this because I’m looking to put 2 types of mirror: a two way one only for the monitor (because it’s a 17 inch 4:3 one and it’s small) and the rest will be just a simple mirror. Thanks in advance and also great project. Good luck.