@aldisachen yes, using styles, css, you can change all the content. BUT it is module by module
some (the default modules for sure) use the generic styles we provide. see css/main.css
each module should document in a css file in their folder how they use those styles
the css architecture allows one to override styles later, in MagicMirror by adding info into custom.css.
a css entry is
selector_clause {
styles applied to the elements selected
the selector clause can be simple or complex
first char as a dot means class (class= on an html tag)
as a pound sign means id (id= on an html tag)
none means an html tag (img, table…)
a class holds a collection of styles
font-size, color, font, etc
css allows you to override styles later one or more styles at a time
each module name is used in a class on the surrounding html div of the content the module creates
that way you can target just one modules content in their selector with
if a module doesn’t give a good way to alter its styles you can still select the html elements
see the second link in my signature below for an example of how to use the browser developer window elements tab to examine and test style changes to determine what should go in custom.css