Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
mmm-wu-moon-phases - Moonphases from Weather Underground
what do you mean by “doesn’t load any more” ? Do you see any error message? Did the whole mirror stop working? Or is it simply “gone” ? -
I just see:Aktuelle Mondphase wird loading
to completely answer your questions… sorry got a phone call…
The whole mirror is working, the module isn’t gone, I do not see any error messages,
Thank you
In my display the state of the moon appears in english and the lighting down in German. Why is not this completely in German?
Someone an idea?Jörg
can i use the same api key what i use for my weather underground ? or should i edit something?
because i have the same error like kurt. it always shows me “moonphase wird geladen”is the comma after the apiLang: correct ?
apiLang: ‘DL’, <-------------------------------
}, -
Yes, you can use the same api key and yes, the comma to apiLang is correct.
What happens if you enter the link directly in the browser?“apikey”/astronomy/lang:“language”/q/“country”/“city”.jsonReplace the " "-placeholders accordingly.
Hi, I don’t know why, but your module is working fine by now, i put it on an other place and that’s it. I havn’t changed a bit on the modul or the config, just the moon didn’t liked the old place.:last_quarter_moon_with_face:
So I just want to inform you about that. Sometimes it’s hard to find the reason, when there is none. -
Hello, first of all, thanks for the module, I find it quite interesting. I tried to install it, but I found a problem trying to get the api key from Weather Underground. By accessing the following link: says that “we will no longer provide free weather API keys”.
Do you know if it is possible to use an api key from If it is not possible, I think that the module can not be used.
Thanks in advance for the answer
You cannot use an API key from another API provider. However, until the issue with WU is corrected, you can use another module that requires no API key.
@mykle1 Thanks. Cool module! I will try it.